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Saving Project...

Site work and paving for a civil project in Willmar, Minnesota. Completed plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel; water / sewer project; road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

Work are: Remove Pipe Culvert - 840 LIN FT, Excavation-Common(P) - 117090 CUYD, Common Embankment (CV)(P) - 187087 CUYD, Salvage Aggregate (SV) - 10588 CUYD, Salvage Topsoil (P) - 61911, Aggregate Base Class 5 - 58368 TON, 12' x 9' Precast Concrete Box Culvert - 140 LIN FT, 12' x 9' Precast Concrete Box End Section - 4 EA, Remove Existing Bridge - 1 LS, Coarse Aggregate Bedding (CV) - 94 CUYD, Sand Backfill(CV) - 2146 CUYD, 15" CS Pipe Culvert - 1604 LIN FT, 15" GS Pipe Apron - 51 EACH, 18" RC Pipe Culvert - 208 LIN FT, 18" RC Pipe Apron - 6 EA, 24" RC Pipe Culvert - 738 LIN FT, 24" RC Pipe Apron - 23 EACH, 48" RC Pipe Culvert - 84 LIN FT, 48" RC Pipe Apron - 2 EACH, 57" CS Span Pipe Culvert - 66 LIN FT, 57" CS Safety Apron - 1 EA, 10" TP Pipe Drain - 742 LIN FT, 12" TP Pipe Drain - 121 LIN FT, 4" Perforated PE Pipe Drain - 1740 LIN FT, 8" Perforated PE Pipe Drain - 1455 LIN FT, Random Riprap - 155 TON, Filter Topsoil Borrow(CV) - 429 CUYD, Rolled Erosion Prevention Category 20 - 22015 SQ YD, Silt Fence - 6009 LIN FT, Seeding - 42 ACRE, Hydraulic Matrix Type Bonded Fiber Matrix - 5075 LB, Mulch Material - 75 TON, and other construction items Site Directions: CR 119 from US Hwy 71 to CSAH 3. A bid bond in the amount of five percent (5%) of the bid must be uploaded with all bids. Attention is called to the fact that the contractor must comply with the Special Equal Employment Opportunity Provisions, contained in the proposal. The County Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to waive any defects or technicalities therein and to award the contract in the best interest of the County.


Roads / Highways


Public - County

Paving, Site Work

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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March 28, 2023

April 28, 2023


US-71, Willmar, MN

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