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Published March 27, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Tacoma, Washington. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

1. GENERAL: This is a contract to provide maintenance, repair, support, updates, and licensing services for all Physical Access Control Systems (PACS) in the GSA, Northwest/Arctic Region. 1.2 Background: The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) has procured and installed Physical Access Control Systems (PACS) to comply with directives and mandates, including Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 (HSPD-12), and Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 201-1, 201-2 and 201-3. All systems over time will be upgraded to FIPS 201-3 compliance, Federal Information Security Act (FISMA), as well as any other applicable standards. GSA is responsible for HSPD-12/FIPS 201 compliant PACS within GSA occupied space, which allows for access from an unrestricted area to a restricted/secure area. As a landlord for federal agencies, GSA is also responsible for replacement of existing legacy PACS with HSPD-12 compliant PACS in coordination with the Department of Homeland Security Federal Protective Service (DHS/FPS) and the Facility Security Committees (FSCs). The advent of IP based physical security infrastructure utilizing a web-based access control system has provided for central management of several networked facilities, and an operationally and financially feasible security infrastructure solution. Maximum benefit to both GSA and its tenants has been derived in terms of HSPD-12/FIPS 201 compliance, expedited deployment, reduced cost of operation, access to system data for improved decision making, and energy efficiency. This approach includes establishing a perimeter physical access control solution for multi-tenant buildings to be used as one common infrastructure that is centrally hosted and managed but with delegated administration specific to and shared across all buildings. 1.3 Objectives: The Government intends to have a fully functional regional PACS throughout the region. This will be accomplished through the continuous support services by a Gallagher and Brivo certified Contractor for integration and system interface. As well as post warranty maintenance of hardware in all systems and software in some to include, procuring Annual Software Support Agreements (SSA's) and Codebench to ensure updated licensing, and to provide real-time monitoring and maintenance of system components through validated efficient means. 1.4 Scope: The Contractor shall provide supervision, labor, materials, equipment, and supplies for the efficient performance of scheduled and unscheduled maintenance, and repair of the PAC equipment and systems. The contractor will provide technical guidance to operators, diagnose and repair of all systems and their related components, respond to technical questions to attempt to correct any field calls to determine issue and provide resolution, training to operators, and recommendations for hardware replacements for system failures and annual maintenance of PACS for all listed systems in Region 10 (WA, OR, ID, AK). The PACS are broken into three major separate systems, as each will require different accesses and responsibilities. Contractor understands that all PACS over time will be integrated into to the National Compliant System and over time this contract may evolve to the singular effort of covering the HSPD 12/FIPS 201 compliant system. 1.5 The 3 systems are: o Gallagher (National Compliant System) - 16 buildings and will continue to expand o Brivo (FIPS 201-1 compliant) - 3 buildings o DSX (legacy system) - 4 buildings In addition, the government reserves the right to include additional buildings throughout Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington or amend the above facilities within the Northwest/Arctic Region 10 during the five year performance period. (Hardware install/repair work would be accomplished either by Gov't Credit card or Task Order to this contract per the service agreement) The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.



Public - Federal

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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