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Published May 18, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a swimming pool in Warren, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a swimming pool.

5.1. The Board of Education will not consider or accept a Bid received by the Board after the Due Date for receipt of Bids. 5.2. No oral, fax or emailed Bids will be considered or accepted. 5.3. Each Bid must be accompanied by a Bid security in an amount of not less than 5% of the total base Bid sum, pledging that the Bidder will enter into a Contract with the Construction Manager under the terms stated in the Bid Documents. Bid Bonds shall be issued by a bonding company meeting the requirements as described in Section 006113 Performance and Payment Bond. Bid security may also be in the form of certified check made out to the School District. All Bidders shall provide a familial disclosure in compliance with MCL 380.1267 and attach this information to the Bid. The Bid shall be accompanied by a sworn and notarized statement disclosing any familial relationship that exists between the owner or any employee of the Bidder and any member of the Board of Education of the School District, or the Superintendent of the School District. The Board of Education of the School District will not consider a Bid that does not include this sworn and notarized statement. 5.5. Each Bid must be accompanied by a sworn and notarized statement certifying that the Bidder is not an "Iran linked business" within the meaning of the Iran Economic Sanctions Act. The Board of Education of the School District will not consider or accept a Bid that does not include this sworn and notarized statement. 5.6. Each Bid must also be accompanied by a sworn and notarized statement certifying that the Bidder has performed and/or will perform sufficient criminal background checks for all of its owners, employees, agents, representatives, contractors and/or other personnel who will be on any School District premises to carry out the services contemplated by the Contract Documents and that no owner, employee, agent, representative, contractor and/or other personnel of the Contractor will be on any School District premises if they are a registered criminal sexual offender under the Sex Offenders Registration Act, Public Act 295 of 1994, or have been convicted of "Listed Offense" as defined under Section 722 of the Sex Offenders Registration Act, MCL 28.722. The Board of Education will not accept a Bid that does not include this sworn and notarized statement. 5.7. Warren Consolidated Schools' Board of Education reserves the right to accept or reject any and all Bids, either in whole or in part, to waive any informalities or irregularities therein, or to award the contract to other than the Bidder(s) submitting the best financial Bid (low Bidder), in its sole and absolute discretion. 5.8. Bids will be opened publicly shortly after the Bid Due date/time at the Administration Building at 31300 Anita Drive Warren, MI 48093. No immediate decision will be rendered. 5.9. All questions during the bidding period shall be referred to Clark Construction Company via email to: PROJECT MANAGER: Jade Warner TELEPHONE: 517-643-1148 EMAIL ADDRESS: JWarner@clarkcc.com Bidders are required to be pre-qualified by Clark Construction Company prior to award of Contract by supplying qualification data per the Clark Construction Company's Prequalification Website. A link to the website can be found via

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Swimming Pools


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