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Renovation of a transportation facility in Seattle, Washington. Completed plans call for the renovation of a transportation facility.

*The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document. CATHY ROBERTS, SR. CONTRACT SPECIALIST EMAIL ADDRESS CATHY.ROBERTS@SOUNDTRANSIT.ORG ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE: $1,201,200.00 - $1,501,500.00 The work of this Contract consists of replacing truncated dome tactile pavers at the edge of the light railstation platform. Work will be performed at Othello Station- 7100 Martin Luther King Jr Way S - Seattle, WA 98118 and Rainier Beach Station - 9132 Martin Luther King Jr Way S - Seattle, WA 98118. Any inquiries concerning this solicitation, including RFIs, may be submitted using the "Ask Question" link for this solicitation at . RFIs must be submitted no later than Monday, April 10, 2023, 2:00 p.m. PST. The Contractor shall provide all labor, materials and equipment necessary to: 1. Saw cut the platform extent to allow demolition of approximately 800 linear feet of tactile pavers, subject to field verification by the contractor. Demolish old tactile pavers, remove underlying mortar bed, and demolish platform concrete subbase to allow approximately three inches of clearance to facilitate installation of wire mesh, dobies, mortar, and new tactile tiles; 2. Sawcut platform-side pavers to ensure adequate width of the excavation to facilitate installation of new tactile pavers, as specified below. Soften edge of the newly-cut platform edge to avoid sharp angle; 3. Ensure newly excavated trough is free of dust and debris. Grind with a wire brush all metal surfaces. Apply cold galvanizing paint to the metal angle iron that defines the platform edge. 4. Over a six-inch wire mesh set one inch above the floor of the excavation, place pea gravel concrete mix with cure retardant, as shown in Attachment A or an approved equal. Vibrate wet concrete with pencil grinders to remove excess air to setting tile; 5. Install approximately 800 linear feet of tactile pavers, 24 x 48-inch Replacable Cast In Place Herculite yellow truncated dome tactile tiles (Armor-Tile Item No. ATH-R2448 YW) - as shown in Attachment B, measuring two feet by four feet with four plastic fasters on the underside. Contractor to verify field measurements. During curing, place at least 180 pounds of weight over each tile. Ensure consistent spacing between each paver. 6. Install intermediate control joints within the concrete tile bed at twelve-foot intervals. Align expansion joints with the new tile edges; 7. Install full depth expansion joints at existing platform slab expansion joints located at approximately twenty foot intervals. Custom trim tiles at existing slab expansion joints to leave half inch space between tiles at expansion joint. Expansion joint and half inch tile space shall align vertically with existing platform slab expansion joints. Retrofit three tile fasteners at two inches from custom trimmed tiles; 8. Removal and/or repair, preparation and painting of the tactile strip platform edge angle. 9. Ensure the site is secured from pedestrians at station entrances. Furnish and display passenger signage on fencing at pedestrian entrances. Sign graphics to be provided by Sound Transit. 10. Demarcate the site boundary around the trackway with delineator cones set approximately six feet apart with snowfence. Weigh the base of the cones that lies adjecent to the operating trackway to avoid movement during train operations. 11. Secure the site after each workday, leaving no equipment or materials. 12. Control dust and debris during demolition. 13. Acquire necessary Street Use Permits from the City of Seattle Department of Transportation, including an engineered traffic control plan. Provide adequate traffic control to ensure safe operation of motor vehicles through the jobsite. 14. If needed, acquire necessary Noise Variance Permits from the City of Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections.


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