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Published May 8, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a fitness / recreation center in Davenport, Iowa. Completed plans call for the renovation of a 23,745-square-foot fitness / recreation center.

Davenport Community School District requests a quote to furnish labor and material for sanding and refinishing big gym and refinishing small gym at North High. Questions Deadline: 4/6/2023 12:35 PM (CT) Project includes: CONSTRUCTION: 1. Sand and finish the large gym. a. Apply two coats of oil-based sealer. (Rebounder oil or PoloPlaz World Class Seal) b. Paint game-lines to match the existing floor, painted logo inside the center circle, and four coats of oil-based finish. (PoloPlaz World Class Finish or Rebounder Gym Finish) 2. buff and recoat the small gym. a. Buffing, cleaning with neutralizer b. Apply two coats of oil-based finish (PoloPlaz World Class Finish or Rebounder Gym Finish) EXTENT OF WORK o Provide all labor, material, tools, equipment, and supervision necessary to complete the said project. o The contractor shall be fully knowledgeable of all requirements of the contract documents and shall make themselves aware of all job site conditions that will affect their work. o The contractor shall confirm all given information to verify the scope of work required, all dimensions, locate all utilities. Deficiencies in the specifications shall be reported to the District project leader. If discrepancies are discovered between the existing conditions and those noted on the drawings or scope of work, contractor shall immediately notify the District's project leader to confer. o Schedule and execute work to provide protection for the building and work site, preventing any damage to District property. Contractor will be responsible for any damage done to the District property. o Safety shall be the responsibility of the contractor. All related personnel shall be instructed daily to be mindful of the full time requirement to maintain a safe environment for the facility's occupants including staff, visitors, customers and the occurrence of the general public on or near the site. o Please contact and consult with the project leader to coordinate proper timing so not to disrupt activities in work area. o Before beginning work, the contractor must secure approval from the building owner's representative for the following: o Areas permitted for personnel parking. o Access to the site. o Areas permitted for storage of materials, dumpster locations and debris. o Areas permitted for the location of cranes, hoists and chutes for loading and unloading materials to job site. o Obey the owner's requirements for personnel identification, inspection and other security measures. o Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) must be on location at all times during the transportation, storage and application of materials. o Interior stairs or elevators may not be used for removing debris or delivering materials without District permission. o School district dumpsters are not to be used for project debris or waste without permission. SUBMITTALS o After bid /quote is accepted and prior to starting work, the contractor shall submit the following: o Shop drawing, if necessary, showing layout details of construction and identification of materials with the manufactures warranty of product used to do the work. o Work Schedule. Prior to start of work, contractor shall provide a schedule of work hours. Deviations from this approved schedule shall be approved by district. o Project Timeline on the completion of project must include project start and completion date


Fitness / Rec Centers


Public - County


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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To Be Determined, Davenport, IA

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