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Published May 15, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a fire / police facility in Jonesville, Michigan. Working plans call for the renovation of a fire / police facility.

**As of May 15, 2023, The property owner demolished the buildings prior to the bid opening, and four submitted bids remained sealed and unopened, as there was no longer a contract to award.** The work shall be completed on or before June 30, 2023. It is expected that notice to proceed will be issued on or around April 20, 2023. 1. Remove all existing roofing to decking. Inspect decking for damage or deterioration and repair as needed. Any unforeseen conditions that will significantly impact the contract price or timetable of the project must be brought to the immediate attention of the Public Works Superintendent for resolution. 2. Remove existing eavestrough. Reinstall existing following installation of roofing; replace damaged section above the garage door. 3. Remove existing rooftop equipment. Reinstall following installation of roofing. 4. Remove turbine roof vents and repair openings. 5. Apply premium ice and water shield across the length of the roof decking, measured a minimum of 3 feet from the eave toward the peak. 6. Install synthetic underlayment to the remaining roof decking. 7. Install 2-inch premium drip edge to the perimeter of the roof. 8. Install new algae-resistant laminated architectural roof shingles: shingles shall have a minimum 30- year warranty. 9. Replace PVC boots around existing roof penetrations. 10. Install ridge vent and cap along the peak of the roof. 11. Clean and remove all debris from the job site and properly dispose in a legal landfill. There will be no pre-bid meeting for this project. Questions regarding the proposal may be directed to: Mike Kyser, DPW Superintendent City of Jonesville (517) 849-9772 publicworks@jonesville.org The City will award the work to the contractor having the combination of price, qualifications, experience, and scheduling most advantageous to the City. The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive irregularities and/or informalities in any proposal.

Final Planning

Fire / Police


Public - City


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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April 12, 2023

May 16, 2023


116 W Chicago St, Jonesville, MI

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