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Published June 21, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Provide service, parts and necessary labor for boilers and pressure vessels. Work will be performed on an as-needed basis. Payment will be provided only for work performed on specific jobs. Furnish all labor, material, tools, equipment, services, transportation, and supervision necessary repairs of boilers. Small, medium and large boiler cleaning and retubing. Casing, structure, support replacement. Insulation and refractory (sub-contracted large projects) Heat exchanger cleaning, repair, and retubing Stack, breeching, expansion joint, damper, repairs and replacement Pipe and tube bending Process piping fabrication and installation Steel fabrication Major large utility boiler projects replacing various components including water walls, superheaters, and reheaters The contractor shall be required to provide labor, supervision and project management for the scope of work described herein. The contractor shall furnish all material not supplied by the company, labor, tools, equipment and services to provide routine preventative maintenance, repair and parts of boilers and presure vessels at the richmond and passyunk plant, as detailed herein and on the spec. The initial contract term will be for 1 year and shall commence upon the issuance of a philadelphia gas works "Pgw" purchase order; with an option to renew for up to three (3) additional one (1) year terms. Each "Renewal term" is exercisable, at pgw's sole decretion, as of the expiration of the initial term or current "Renewal term".


Power Plant

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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800 W Montgomery Ave, Philadelphia, PA

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Preventative Maintenance, Repair and Parts of Boilers and Presure Vessels at the Richmond Plant and Passyunk Plant

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