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Renovation of a transportation facility in Hartford, Connecticut. Completed plans call for the renovation of a transportation facility.

The H.N.S. Management Company, Inc. (d/b/a CTtransit) is a Subsidiary Corporation of RATP Dev USA established as the legal entity to perform a service contract with the State of Connecticut. CTtransit is the Connecticut Department of Transportation owned bus system, which provides fixed route bus service within 53 towns in the Hartford, New Haven and Stamford metropolitan areas. An operating division is located in each of the three metro areas from which the local transit service is provided. CTtransit is soliciting Bids from qualified Vendors for roof guardrails and safety improvements at our Hartford Bus Maintenance Facility All Prospective Bidders should be aware if they did not obtain this package from CTtransit's website we can in no way guarantee you will receive any additional information (Addendums, etc.) CTtransit has working relationships with the State of Connecticut and RATP Dev USA. Through these relationships we have the advantage of requesting the same pricing afforded on their contracts. CTtransit would expect that pricing, for the services requested, on any State of Connecticut and/or First America contract would be extended through this request for Proposal. Issuance of this Bid notice does not commit CTtransit to award any contract. CTtransit reserves the right to waive any informalities or variations in any proposal that it deems to be immaterial, or to reject any or all, or any part of any or all proposals if such action is deemed to be in the best interest of CTtransit and/or the State of Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT An Affirmative Action - An Equal Opportunity Employer


Transportation Terminals


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May 12, 2023

June 12, 2023


100 Leibert Rd, Hartford, CT

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