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Saving Project...

Published May 5, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Saint Marys, Georgia. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

County Board of Commissioners is seeking proposals to furnish all labor, equipment, and materials for conducting road resurfacing on existing paved roads on the Subbase Kings Bay. No proposal shall be withdrawn after the closing time for a period of ninety (90) days. Questions regarding this proposal may be directed in writing to the Purchasing Officer, Kelsey Kelley at bids@co.camden.ga.us. Camden County provides equal opportunity for all businesses and does not discriminate against any person or business because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, and handicap or veterans status. The county reserves the right to reject all bids that are non-responsive or not responsible. QUESTIONS: regarding this project may be directed in writing to the Purchasing Officer, Kelsey Kelley, at 200E. 4th Street, Woodbine, Georgia 31569. All questions shall be received by April 20 th 2023 and answered by April 25 th 2023. Questions must be emailed to bids@co.camden.ga.us. SCOPE OF WORK Contractor will provide all labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals for the purpose of full width milling and repaving 1.5" (165 #/sy) of 12.5 mm superpave asphalt, thermoplastic striping, and replacing pavement markers on specified roads (Approximately 6.5 centerline miles). There is approximately 1.25 miles of 2 lane roadway surface and 5.2 miles of 4 lane roadway surface. There is a dip on Daniel Webster Road that will require attention to detail in milling operation to provide smooth finish at this location prior to overlay. All decel lanes will be included. Temporary paint markings will be required after resurfacing as indicated in section 653 of GDOT specifications to include stop bars, cross walks, railroad crossings, edge lines, lane lines and center lines. All work to be done in accordance with the Georgia Department of Transportation Standard Specifications Construction of Transportation Systems, Current Edition (2021), Supplemental Specifications and Special Provisions for all bid line items to include. Weblink address indicated below. Milling shall be variable depth (1.5" typical) which will require no land disturbing activities for earth shoulder building and grassing items. Milling in some areas may require a 2' mill head to accomplish milling adequately. Care must be taken to avoid damaging manhole lids, water valves, etc. CONTRACTOR will have discretion on removing any manhole covers and rings and water valve jackets. If removed, temporary covers will be of adequate size and strength to ensure no material enter the voids. After re-installation, a final inspection will be conducted to ensure no obstructions exist. Intersecting roadways will have a smooth transition to the original pavement. Millings shall belong to the County and will be hauled and dumped by the CONTRACTOR to a location no more than ten (10) miles away. Road shoulders will be clipped prior to the asphalt overlay by Camden County forces. See Appendix A and B for road list and maps. Laydown areas for equipment and materials will be available for the contractor on the base. * Background Checks will be required for any person accessing the base. There will be a process to follow prior to beginning and some of the work will require to enter the base and go through security gates each day. **Coordination with Camden County Public Works Director and Base Security is going to be critical, especially work performed around the security gates. ***Work Schedules may be flexible to include night or weekend work to work around traffic patterns. This will be discussed during preconstruction meeting.


Roads / Highways


Public - County

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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Multiple Locations, Saint Marys, GA

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