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Published April 1, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Stillwater, Minnesota. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

As one of Minnesota's original nine counties, Washington County is on the eastern edge of the Twin Cities Metropolitan area and is composed of 423 square miles of land. The county seat is in Stillwater, Minnesota, along the scenic St. Croix River. Washington County is the fifth largest county in the State of Minnesota in population, housing 4.7% of the state's population and 8.3% of the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area's population. Washington County's eastern border is defined by the St. Croix River, which connects the State of Minnesota with Wisconsin. The county was established in 1849 and has the powers, duties, and privileges granted counties by state law, codified in Minn. Stat. 373. The county serves an estimated population of 262,748 with a projected 2040 population of 340,910. The county has many recreation and parkland areas and 585 major water bodies. The county's fiscal year begins Jan. 1 and ends Dec. 31. The county is governed by a five-member board of county commissioners representing separate districts within the county. In addition, the offices of county attorney and sheriff are elected on a county-wide basis. The county offers a full range of services, including property tax administration, law enforcement, corrections, public works, human services, parks, solid waste management, library, community health, and general administration. The county employs approximately 1.900employees. All aspects of the scope of services outlined below and included herein are expected to be completed within the project deadlines. The role of the selected consultant will be to complete all tasks necessary to take the project through campaign and final election day. The consultant is encouraged to include and describe additional tasks not mentioned within the RFP that will enhance the project. The Consultant will perform all work necessary to coordinate project development, maintain the project schedule and budget, facilitate stakeholder engagement, and create final project deliverables. A project manager from the firm must be identified with detailed educational, experience and any other additional information to demonstrate competence and ability to fulfill the obligations of the Contract. The project manager must have been a project manager on a similar project prior to working on this project. RFP Questions Due to County March 30, 2023, 12:00 PM CST, A copy of all written questions submitted, with responses, will be posted on the County website no later than 4:00 PM CST on April 3, 2023.



Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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April 17, 2024


Multiple Locations, Stillwater, MN

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