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Published June 23, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Poquoson, Virginia. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

Submit: One (1) Original (clearly marked as such) and Two (2) Copies, Including Signed Cover Page and All Applicable Attachments Inquiries: Questions pertaining to this project should be directed to Tara Woodruff, Finance Director, in writing via email at tara.woodruff@poquoson-va.gov no later than 12:00 p.m. on April 18, 2023 FAX OR EMAIL SUBMISSIONS ARE NOT ALLOWED ROJECT DESCRIPTION The purpose of this IFB is to solicit bids from qualified contractors to provide all labor and materials to construct an outdoor, hard surface basketball court at South Lawson Park, which is located at 1238 Poquoson Avenue, Poquoson, Virginia 23662. The South Lawson Park is accessed via a paved road off of Poquoson Avenue. The outdoor basketball court will be constructed adjacent to the picnic shelter park. All work is to be completed in accordance with city and state requirements. In general, the project includes: o Excavate and install an 84' by 50' outdoor basketball court, with a 10' perimeter beyond the line of play. o Install two (2) basketball goals (and all accompanying hardware) to manufacturer's specifications. o Stripe court with standard high school basketball markings, according to the dimensions specified within the contract. o Provide and install parallel green vinyl chain link fencing on one side of the court between the court and the ditch abutting the court. The fence shall be a minimum of 110 feet in length centered on the court. II. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS A. Provide all labor, materials, supervision, equipment and necessary building permits to install a basketball court at South Lawson Park. 1. All work is to be constructed as indicated on the attached drawing and as identified/marked at the proposed job site. 2. Coordinate construction and final inspections with the City of Poquoson as required. 3. All disturbed areas shall be restored, repaired and seeded. Germination within 30 days is required. B. Responsibility for all cut and fill of all materials required for work. All cut materials may be stored on-site as directed by City officials. The City reserves the right to keep the cut and fill materials following the project and place them at a near location at the direction of the Public Works Director. Additionally, if the City desires, the cut and fill may be required to be removed from the City. C. Final elevation of playing surface and safety space is at grade or no more than four (4) inches above grade. The purpose of this specification is to ensure that the entire asphalted area is not below surrounding grade and will not hold water. The minimum cross slope or end to end slope shall be no less than 2%. D. Court dimensional specifications shall be equal in size to high school playing courts. However, concreted areas shall be no less than 84' x 50' in order to provide safety between actual playing court surface and fencing. Concrete surface shall be 4" thick, minimum 4000 psi, with 6" x 6" welded wire mesh. Underlayment shall be a 4" rolled and compacted base of #21A stone with a 4" layer of rolled and compacted #57 stone on top of the #21A stone. E. Install two (2) basketball goals, one at each end of the court. Installation of goals must meet manufacturer's requirements for outdoor installation for both goals. Basketball goals shall be Bison BA873U Ultimate (6 inch square posts) fixed height polycarbonate backboard (42"x72") with breakaway goal or a comparable substitute approved by the City. Goals should include the proper padding around the posts. F. The City will require final site approval prior to the start of the project. This must be scheduled with a 48-hour notice to City officials for final approval. G. Refer to the attached GIS drawing for the exact location and orientation of the court placement at the park. This should be 70 feet from the back corner of the existing picnic shelter. The court is to run straight down in line with the back of the shelter line. H. Install fencing on the ditch side of the court parallel and abutting the court edge. Adjacent fencing shall be 10 feet high and constructed of 9-gauge green vinyl chain link fence and be adequately supported to withstand normal athletic wear and tear. The fence shall be a minimum of 110 feet in length centered on the court. I. Pricing should include all painted line markings on the court to meet current Virginia High School League (VHSL) court markings for lines and the boundary lines for basketball. Marking the appropriate distances and measurements are part of the work for the project, to include painting all necessary lines. J. Pricing shall be for turnkey installation as to meet the required specifications within the bid document. K. Bids should include a plan view, sectional details, and drainage information for court construction. L. Contractor will purchase and prepare all permits to the City of Poquoson Community Development Office as required. Contractor will prepare and submit all required permit applications to the City to obtain necessary site plan/erosion and sediment control approvals. M. Schedule of proposed work shall begin within thirty (30) days of the award of contract. Bidder shall indicate projected start and completion date with the bid. N. Any additional bidder recommendations may be included as an add-on or alternative bid. O. The successful bidder must have all the required insurance, business license, permits, construction/contractor designations for this project. It is the responsibility of the bidder to include these within the bid response for the City to review. P. Provide in the bid overview, a description of the warranty provided for all work, if applicable. Q. Bidders are encouraged to visit the site prior to submitting a bid.

Bid Results

Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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1238 Poquoson Ave, Poquoson, VA

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