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Published November 20, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work, paving and new construction of a bridge / tunnel in Holmdel, New Jersey. Conceptual plans call for the demolition of a bridge / tunnel; for the construction of a bridge / tunnel; for site work for a bridge / tunnel; and for paving for a bridge / tunnel.

As of November 11, 2023, information regarding the award and award date has not been disclosed. A firm timeline for construction has not been established. *The closed solicitation has been included below for reference: The qualifications statement shall be no more than four (4) typed, single sided 8 1/2 " x 11" sheets in length. Anything in excess of this page limitation will not be read or considered. Resumes of proposed key personnel must be attached to the qualifications statement. Each resume shall be a maximum of two (2) single-sided 8 1/2 " x 11" sheets in length and should highlight education, professional credentials, and work performance on projects similar to that described below. The resume of the proposed project manager, as well as the resume(s) of proposed key technical staff must be included. Also included shall be a listing of work areas which the Consultant would subcontract out to other firms, the names of each subconsultant, summarized on one (1) page, and the resumes of the subconsultant's(s') project manager(s). One (1) original, unbound, and four (4) copies of the qualifications package must be in a sealed envelope, labeled with the project name, project number and the name and address of the Consultant. The intent of this Request for Professional Qualifications is to select three (3) leading consulting firm candidates to provide Professional Engineering Services for development of final construction documents and obtaining all regulatory permits and approvals for the removal and total replacement of Bridge H-27 over Hop Brook and H-26 over a Branch of Hop Brook on Roberts Road in the Township of Holmdel, Monmouth County (See location map page 4). Only the three (3) top ranked Consultant firms will receive a detailed scope of work and an invitation to submit formal technical and cost proposals. One (1) of three (3) Consultants will be awarded a contract for design, permitting, and preparation of construction documents to be ready for public bidding. Those engineering services shall include but are not limited to developing an Alternative Analysis Report, preparing all necessary right-of-way documents, coordinating and developing utility relocation plans, performing all necessary environmental studies, securing all applicable permits and approvals, performing hydraulic and hydrologic analyses, and developing Final Construction Plans and Specifications for public bidding for the total replacement of the structure. The design shall be performed in accordance with the latest Monmouth County, NJDOT and AASHTO Design Standards. The consulting firm for this project shall provide all the requisite professional engineering services necessary for the demolition and total replacement of Bridge H-27 over Hop Brook and H-26 over a Branch of Hop Brook on Roberts Road in the Township of Holmdel, Monmouth County. Bridge H-27 is comprised of two continuous spans consisting of reinforced concrete voided slab beams with a 2" bituminous overlay riding surface supported on a timber substructure. The bridge has an overall length of approximately 26-feet. The cross section consists of two (2) 12- foot travel lanes and two (2) 3-foot shoulders in each direction for a curb-to-curb width of approximately 30-feet. The out-to-out width of the bridge is approximately 31-feet. The bridge has an estimated Average Daily Traffic (ADT) of 6,000 and has a posted speed limit of 40 mph. Bride H-27 is considered structurally deficient. Bridge H-26 is a 48-inch reinforced concrete pipe with timber headwalls. The structure is located approximately 125-feet north of Bridge H-27 on Roberts Road. The proposed design will include the demolition and complete removal of the existing structures and the construction of two (2) new structures and approach roadways to meet current structural, hydraulic, and environmental standards. The replacement structures shall accommodate two (2) lanes of traffic, two (2) shoulders and at least one (1) sidewalk. The Consultant should prepare an Alternative Analysis Report which evaluates at least three (3) concepts for the new bridge(s) configuration, including lane widths, shoulders, sidewalks, vertical and horizontal alignments, and transitions. Each concept shall identify the corresponding major impacts, including but not limited to permit requirements, right-of-way acquisition, utility relocation, and associated hard and soft cost estimate. The Consultant shall also recommend one (1) concept for advancement to final design and state reasons for that recommendation. The structural span length(s) and hydraulic opening(s) shall be determined by the Design Engineer based on hydraulic analysis in accordance with the current Monmouth County and NJDOT standards, NJDEP permitting regulations and other relevant considerations. This project will impact a C-1 waterway; therefore, the Consultants must demonstrate prior experience and knowledge of those environmental regulations. Interested Consultants who consider themselves well qualified for the anticipated work should have specialized expertise in the area of bridge design, roadway design, hydrology and hydraulics, environmental permitting, underground utilities, accelerated bridge construction methods, and C-1 waterways. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time


Bridges / Tunnels


Public - County

Demolition, New Construction, Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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April 18, 2024


Roberts Rd, Holmdel, NJ

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