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Renovation of a water / sewer project in Honolulu, Hawaii. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project.

That the Director of Budget and Fiscal Services reserves the right to accept or reject any bid and to waive any defect therein. That the Undersigned certifies that he is licensed to undertake this Project pursuant to Chapter 444, HRS, as amended, relating to licensing of contractors. When the existing wastewater system and facilities are affected by the Contractor performance of the Contract, the Contractor shall provide adequate provisions to ensure that sewage flow through the existing system and facilities is maintained without spillage. Within 30 calendar days after the Notice to Proceed date, the Contractor shall submit a Wastewater Spill Mitigation Plan for approval to the Officer-in-Charge. The Wastewater Spill Mitigation Plan shall detail the procedures and provisions that the Contractor will implement to ensure uninterrupted sewage flow throughout the Project and, should a spill occur, regulatory agencies' requirements are satisfied. Any revisions to the plan requested by the Officer-in-Charge prior to approval shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. No construction activities involving the existing wastewater system and facilities will be allowed until the Contractor's Wastewater Spill Mitigation Plan has been approved. Deadline for Questions/ Requests for Substitutions April 13, 2023 Removal and replacement of existing asphalt driveway. Modifications to stormwater collection system. Concrete repair of existing inlet collection chamber and wet well. New concrete roof slab for wet well. New epoxy coating for wet well interior concrete surfaces. Installation of City-furnished stop logs, collection chamber isolation gates, wet well isolation gates, and associated motorized actuators with floor stands. Removal and reinstallation of wet well vents. Removal and replacement of the access hatches for collection chamber and wet well. New sump pumps and discharge piping. New fuel piping, tank monitoring system, and day tank. New water line connecting to existing air gap tank. New drain line from bathroom to inlet collection chamber. New light for entrance gate. New wet well pipe penetrations for existing instrumentation. Repair of existing concrete penetrations. Install electrical connections to/from existing MCCs, VFDs, and other electrical distribution equipment to new mechanical equipment and standby generator. Install power and control wiring to new sump pumps. Bypass pumping during construction including all temporary power, equipment, temporary piping, and connections. 24-hour monitoring of bypass pumping operations. Drainage and sediment control for construction staging area. Programming and testing for all equipment and instrumentation included or modified. Lead-based paint abatement.


Water / Sewer


Public - County






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2691 N Nimitz Hwy, Honolulu, HI

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