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Site work for a civil project in Holden, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for site work for a pipeline; and road / highway.
These quotes are being solicited pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 30 section 39M, public works construction, through the Massachusetts Statewide Contract "TRD02-Excavation." The Project Manual, including the Statement of Work, Quote Forms, and draft contract for the work shall be distributed through the electronically quote solicitation for Adams Road Underground Fuel Storage Tanks Excavation and Removal The Town intends to award the work associated with the quote to the lowest priced, qualified responsible and responsive quoter. All quotes shall remain in effect for thirty (30) days after the submittal date. The Town Manger reserves the right to reject any or all quotes, and waive informalities in the quote procedures or to accept the quote deemed in the best interest of the Town of Holden. Item # 1: ( 72-15-00-00 ) Town of Holden Request for Quotes for Adams Road Underground Fuel Storage Tanks Excavation and Removal-See Attachments U N S P S C Code: 72-15-00 SCOPE OF WORK The following items are the description of the tasks generally required to be completed as part of the base bid quote request. It is the Contractors responsibility to perform the work required in the sequence most efficient to their operations. The order of work activities below may be revised to suit the Contractors needs. a. Mobilize crew and equipment to site. b. Obtain necessary permits from state and local agencies to remove two (2) 10,000 gallon underground storage tanks (UST). One tank was for gasoline, the other for diesel fuel. c. Obtain Dig Safe Utility Clearance of property. d. Install temporary fence around the excavation area. e. Prepare a confined space entry permit and a site-specific health and safety plan. The permit and plan shall be submitted to the Town and GZA for their records. The Contractor is responsible for the health and safety of its personnel and shall comply with all applicable OSHA regulations. f. Saw cut concrete on top of the USTs. Assume concrete is g. Break up, load, and transport concrete for disposal. h. Minimize disruption to surrounding hot mix asphalt driveway to the greatest extent possible. i. Disconnect, drain, and remove two (2) dispensers. j. Excavate soil located on top of the USTs. k. Create a manway into the USTs. l. Remove, containerize, and properly dispose of all tank contents and tank bottoms: a. T&D of Bulk oil and water b. T&D of Bulk gasoline and water m. Monitor explosive gases using a 4-gas meter. n. Enter and clean the inside of the diesel UST. o. Inert the gasoline UST. p. Prepare the USTs for Holden Fire Department Inspection. q. Drain, disconnect, remove, and dispose of piping associated with the USTs. r. Backfill excavation to grade with clean fill. The top 16of backfill shall be a compacted gravel base. Backfill of the area should occur immediately after soil sample collection and within the same day of the tank removals. s. Transport and dispose of the USTs and associated pipes at a licensed Specialized trade construction and maintenance services 72-15-00-00 Specialized trade construction and maintenance services 72-15-00-00 Specialized trade construction and maintenance services The Department of Public Works has vacated its former garage at 87 Adams Road, and is decommissioning the fueling station at this location. This quote is for the excavation and removal of two (2) 10,000 gallon underground storage tanks located adjacent to the fueling station (near the Chaffins Fire Sub-Station). The work for this quote is being funded by a MassWORKS grant, and all work must be completed and invoiced to the Town of Holden no later than June 15, 2023. The Contractor shall begin work immediately upon the issuance of a Notice to Proceed from the DPW. The work on-site shall be completed and invoiced no later than June 15, 2023. This is grant funded work that must be completed before the end of the fiscal year on June 30, 2023. PREVAILING WAGE RATES Contractors will pay prevailing wage rates as determined by the Commissioner under the provisions of the Massachusetts General Laws (M.G.L.). If any part of this project is subcontracted out to another party, prevailing wages are still applicable. The prevailing wage rates for this project are shown in Attachment B. No quote security is necessary for this project. PAYMENT BOND The successful quoter may be required to present a payment bond. If the successful quoter's quote is $25,000 or more, a payment bond shall be required in the amount of fifty percent (50%) of the total quote amount, issued by a surety company authorized to do business in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and satisfactory to the Town, to ensure payment of all labor, materials and equipment utilized in the work. The payment bond shall be in the format shown in Attachment A.
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Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.
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Adams Rd, Holden, MA
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