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Published April 4, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Boston, Massachusetts. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The consultant shall demonstrate experience in several disciplines including but not limited to Architectural, Programming, Civil, Structural, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Fire Protection, Interior Design, Landscape Architecture, Geotechnical, Waterfront Engineering, Vertical Transportation, Lean Design and Construction, Code Compliance, Transportation, Cost Estimating, Utility, Accessibility, Construction Phasing, Climate Resiliency and Sustainable Design. Permitting services will be provided where applicable. The Consultant shall demonstrate its ability to manage costs effectively and shall be experienced in providing similar services on an on-call, as needed basis. The scope of work shall include, but not be limited to the following: new construction, alterations or additions to various facilities such as roadways and bridges, underground utility distributions, sanitary sewers, storm drainage systems, lighting, shore power, ship-to-shore cranes, maintenance facilities, garages, sheds, warehouses, electrical substations, pump houses, elevators, escalators, waterfront fenders and piers, and security systems. Services may include but shall not be limited to existing conditions investigations, inspections, and assessments, conceptual or schematic drawings and outline specifications, development of a BIM Model and management in support of design and construction, utilization of Lean tools to improve delivery of design and construction, preparation of high quality presentation graphics including renderings and high resolution 3-D models, design development or construction drawings and specifications, assist in the procurement of a Construction Manager at Risk as per MGL Chapter 149A, preparation of bid documents for subcontractor and trade work, construction services, resident inspection services, cost estimates and analyses, investigations, reports, value engineering, and energy audits. Abatement of hazardous or contaminated materials is NOT included in the scope of work for this agreement. In recognition that this project is for on-call services and has no specific scope, the Authority will not hold a Consultant Briefing The Authority may reject any application if any of the required information is not provided: Cover Letter, Insurance Requirements, Registration of the Board of Director as defined in MGL Chapter 7C Section 44, and SF330 Part IIs for the Prime and every sub-consultant. Make sure that, in the Cover Letter, you mention the Insurance Requirements, Registration of the Board of Director as defined in MGL Chapter 7C Section 44. In recognition that this project is for on-call services and has no specific scope, the Authority will not hold a Consultant Briefing The consultant shall demonstrate experience in several disciplines including but not limited to Architectural, Programming, Civil, Structural, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Fire Protection, Interior Design, Landscape Architecture, Geotechnical, Waterfront Engineering, Vertical Transportation, Lean Design and Construction, Code Compliance, Transportation, Cost Estimating, Utility, Accessibility, Construction Phasing, Climate Resiliency and Sustainable Design. Permitting services will be provided where applicable. The Authority expects to select up to three (3) consultants. However, the Authority reserves the right to select a different number if it is deemed in its best interest to do so. The Authority is seeking up to three (3) qualified multidiscipline consulting firms or teams, with proven experience to provide professional services including planning, programming, design, and construction related services, including resident inspection, on an on-call, as needed basis. These services are expected to be provided at various Massport Maritime and Real Estate facilities, including Conley Terminal, Flynn Cruiseport Boston, Boston Fish Pier, the South Boston Waterfront Transportation Center as well as other Massport waterfront and real estate facilities. The Consultant must be able to work closely with the Authority and other interested parties in order to provide such services in a timely and effective manner. The Authority is seeking up to three (3) qualified multidiscipline consulting firms or teams, with proven experience to provide professional services including planning, design, and construction related services including resident inspection, on an on-call, as needed basis. These services are expected to be provided at various Massport Maritime and Real Estate facilities, including Conley Terminal, Flynn Cruiseport Boston, Boston Fish Pier, the South Boston Waterfront Transportation Center as well as other Massport waterfront and real estate facilities. The Consultant must be able to work closely with the Authority and other interested parties in order to provide such services in a timely and effective manner. The projects may range from small and simple to large and complex. Deadline for submission of written questions Thursday, April 20, 2020 at 12:00PM (noon) Official answers published (Estimated) Thursday, April 27, 2023 The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time


Water / Sewer


Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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