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Renovation of an educational facility in Salt Lake City, Utah. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

As of June 2 the project was awarded to Van Boerum & Frank Associates Inc, awarded amount not available . Install a HVAC system in the Naval Sciences building on the University of Utah campus. The selection shall be under the Value-Based Selection method. The Solicitation for Architects / Engineers document, including the submittal requirements and the selection criteria and schedule, will be available electronically. A representative from each interested prime firm is required to attend. During the meeting, a presentation will be made to describe the overall scope of work and intended schedule. Interested firms may ask questions and request clarification about the project and the procurement process. Subconsultants are invited to attend this meeting but it is not mandatory for them. The prime firm absence from the pre-submittal meeting and/of failure to sign the attendance roster precludes participation as a submitting firm on this project . Submittals shall include the name, phone, email, and fax number of the firm's contact person who should receive information during the selection process, should direct contact become necessary.The university is not responsible for difficulties, technical or otherwise, associated with the electronic submittal process . The University of Utah reserves the right to reject any or all submittals or to waive any formality or technicality in any submittal in the interest of the University. Install a HVAC system in the Naval Sciences building on the University of Utah campus. Approximately 2800 square feet of the building has a HVAC system installed and is outside the scope of this project. The remaining approximant 15,000 square of the building, spread across two above ground floors, has no existing HVAC system and is within the scope of this project. A ventilation system will also need to be installed in the basement to provide fresh air. The basement does not require any heating or cooling Mechanical Items: The majority of the scope of this project will be the installation of the HVAC system. Electrical Items: The main electrical panel of the building was recently upgraded and has the capacity to complete this project. Electrical and control wiring will need to be run, as needed, to mechanical equipment. Architectural Items: Small revisions to walls or ceilings will be made, as required, to allow for duct work or wiring. Abatement Items: This building was constructed in 1948, resulting in many of the building materials being asbestos containing. All materials should be inspected prior to demolition and abated if the materials are found to contain asbestos. Attachment: * Other Attachments will be uploaded via addendum. Floor Plans PDF Constraints: The building will be occupied during construction. A phasing plan will need to be developed in order to minimize the disturbance to the building occupants. All requests for information regarding this project shall be in writing and directed to the University Project Manager: William Kreider Project Manager Email: Phone: 337-936-0469 Questions must be posted to BidSync Last Day to Submit Questions Tuesday April 11, 2023 5:00 p.m. MT




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April 14, 2023

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201 Presidents' Cir, Salt Lake City, UT

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