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Site work for a road / highway in Sidney, Maine. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway.

The Board of Selectmen and the Road Foreman will be accepting sealed proposals for the evadine of the Townsthet coads. Listed below are 2 set of specuhicatons to be followed: The Town of Sidney has approximately 3.3 mules of dirt roads to be graded. All oc postions of the following roads will be done: Tiffary Road, Philbrick Ro2zd, Blake Road, fills Road, Bean Glen, Ferry Road, Noamarn Road, and Jancton Road Roads are to be graded to the bottom of potholes whenever possible and bult back up with a slight crown in the ceniter of the road to allow water to man trom the center of the road to the ditches. Whenever the Road Foreman deems necessary, suctace gravel well be hauled in to enhance the pradine operstion. All graded roads will meet the satisfication of the Road Foreman. If a disagreement in the grading process occurs between the Road Foreman and the contractor chosen, the Selectmen wall settle the dispute. The grading of dirt roads must bepin as soon as road and weather conditions permit and be completed within ane week of start date. The Road Foreman will determine the start date. The contractor that is awarded the proposal will be requied to provide adequate proof of liability insurance listing the Town Sidner as additonally insured to the Selectmen prior to the acceptance of the bid Proposals must give an hourly rate and the size of grader * equipment that will be used for the project. Payment will be made upon the completon of the grading to the satisfication of the Road Foreman. For questions, please contact Leon Burgess can be reached at (207) 547-3913 or his cell (207) 557-3914.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Site Work

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Multiple Locations, Sidney, ME

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