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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in St. John's, Newfoundland. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Closing Time: 12:00 PM (NT) Results available. ** Please note that there has been 1 addendum issued for this tender. ** Question Acceptance Deadline 2023/04/21 10:30:00 AM EDT Questions are submitted online Yes The Province seeks a supplier to conduct a digitally-recorded, high-sensitivity, fixed-wing horizontal gradient aeromagnetic and gamma-ray spectrometric survey, carry out post-survey data correction and processing to the recorded data, and to format those processed data to yield a comprehensive series of final products and report, in accordance with requirements presented in Appendix C - RFP Particulars (Section D. Mandatory Technical Requirements) and Appendix F - Data Processing Requirements.These data will provide insight into the geological and structural frameworks of the area, and extend interpretation of data previously released by the Geological Survey for the southern and central Burin Peninsula. The mandate of the Geological Survey of Newfoundland and Labrador is to map the geological framework of the province; to interpret and explain its geological evolution; and to describe, interpret and explain the distribution, nature, quantity and origin of the provinces mineral resources. The Geological Survey is a division of the Mines Branch. The Survey currently has 4 sections (Regional Geology; Mineral Deposits; Terrain Sciences, Data Management and Geochemistry; Geoscience Publications and Information) and a geochemical laboratory. The Geological Survey's geophysical program is housed within the Terrain Sciences section. This project will be completed in two phases: (a) Data Acquisition Phase - execution of airborne survey flights; and (b) Post-survey Phase - data processing and compilation, in preparation of final data products. The survey will be acquired over the Belleoram-Terrenceville-Sound Island area, covering portions of NTS 1:250 000 scale map sheet 01M (Figure 1). The survey area includes the northern Burin Peninsula and areas west and north, extending to the southern boundary of the Bay du Nord Wilderness Reserve. The total survey area will comprise two contiguous survey blocks, A and B, or portions thereof. Block A is the minimum required survey area, and shall be incorporated in its entirety into all bids. An estimated total of 17,980 line-kilometres of airborne survey are required to complete Block A. Block B is the survey extension area. Block B is estimated to require 13,580 line-kilometers of airborne survey to complete in its entirety. Flight lines and control lines will be extended into Block A from Block A, in the same orientation, starting along the northeastern boundary of Block A. Block B can also be extended to the northeast, following the same trend, if necessary to accommodate a larger survey block than currently outlined. The Contracted Supplier will include all of Block A and a portion of Block B in the proposed total survey area. The proportion of Block B that can be flown within the Maximum Project Budget (Appendix C, Section B2) will vary by proponent and is determined by a proponent's price per line-kilometer. The location map (FIgure 1), showing the residual magnetic field currently available, and polygons defining the survey footprint for each survey option are available in digital (Geosoft .ply and ArcGIS shapefile (.shp) formats): A digitally-recorded, high-sensitivity, fixed-wing horizontal gradient aeromagnetic and gamma-ray spectrometric survey is to be flown in the Belleoram - Terrenceville - Sound Island area (parts of NTS 01M), south-central Newfoundland. Ideally, VLF-EM responses (2 transmitting stations) would also be recorded on the aircraft during survey. However, VLF-EM may be surveyed on a "best effort" basis - that is, periodic loss of signal from a single VLF-EM transmitting station should not delay airborne survey schedules.



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November 8, 2023


Multiple Locations, St. John's, NL

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