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Site work and outdoor lighting for a transportation facility in Rochester, Indiana. Completed plans call for site work for a transportation facility; and for outdoor lighting for a transportation facility.

DESCRIPTION OF W0RK;Work for which proposals are to be received is tor the Runway 11-29 Lighting Replacement project at the Fulton County Airport including removal Of existing ru-nway edge lights, PAPIs, and REILs. and installation of new LED runway edge lights, PAPIs, REILs, base cans, conduit and cable and necessary incidentals io Comp fete the wortt as detailed on the Contract Drawingsand specified in the Contract Documents titled Runway 11-29 Lighting Replacement. The contractor shall provide all labor, equipment, and material necessary to complete the work, ah work is located atttie Fulton County Aiiport, 545 State Rd 25N, Rochester, IN 46975 This remittance is not refundable Pay ment she 11 be by money order orcheck and shall be made payable to Buller, Fairman, and Seufert, Inc. Bidders axe required to be a plan holder of record having obtained the contract documents through the office of the Engineer. Bids not meeting this requirement will be deemed non-responsive. Bids s ha 11 be prepe riy executed a nd add re seed 1c the add ress shew n above where bids are to be received togetherwith the documents requued by the bid forms, specifications, and i elated legal documents Conta med in theContract Documente, No Bidder may withdraw ns proposal withn a period atone hundred and twenty (120) days following ihe dele eel for the receiving of bids. The Owner reserves the rig ht to retain any and all bids for a period of not more than one hundred and twenty (120) day sand said bd shall remain m foU force and effect during said time. The Owner further reserves the ng ht Er waive inferrealities and Ei award the Contract to any Bidder all to the advantage of the Owner or to reject all bids FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS: The Owner, in accordance with Title VI of 1 he Civi I Rig hts Act of 1964, 75 Stat. 252, 42 U. S.C. 2000d to 2(nod-4. and Title 49, Code of Fede ral Reg uiatrons, bepa rime nt Of Transportai ion, Subtitle A, Office ofthe Secretary, Fart 21, Nondiscrimination m Fede rally-assisted programs of the Department ofTransportation issued pursuant tosuch Act. hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively insure lhat in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, Disadvantaged Business Enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated againsten the grounds of race, color, sex, or national origin io consideration for an award. 1, The proposed contactis under and subject to Executive Oder No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, equal opportunity clause, and to Title VI ofthe Civil Rights Act of 1964. 2, The Bidder must supply ail Ihe information required by the bid or proposal form INDIANA RE OUI REM ENTS: Each bid Shull be accompanied by bidder's financial statement, a state me nt ot experience, a proposed p lan or plans for perfo rm i ng the public work, a nd the eq u ip me nt that bidder has available for the performance of the pubic wort. Such Statements shall be submitted on forms prescribed by the State Beard ofAccounts, including Bid Forms 96, together with the required non-collusion affidavit. DESCRIPTION OF W0RK;Work for which proposals are to be received is tor the Runway 11-29 Lighting Replacement project at the Fulton County Airport including removal Of existing ru-nway edge lights, PAPIs, and REILs. and installation of new LED runway edge lights, PAPIs, REILs, base cans, conduit and cable and necessary incidentals io Comp fete the wortt as detailed on the Contract Drawingsand specified in the Contract Documents titled Runway 11-29 Lighting Replacement. The contractor shall provide all labor, equipment, and material necessary to complete the work, ah work is located atttie Fulton County Aiiport, 545 State Rd 25N, Rochester, IN 46975. RID SECURITY; A bid bond with good and sufficient surety issued by a company licensed to do business m the Stale of Indiana or a certified check on a Solvent bank equal id five perce ni (5%) of the total bid insuring that rf the cd is accepted, a contract will be entered into and the performanceof its proposal secured. Wage rates on the project shall notbe less than the prescribed scale of wages as determined in accordance w ith the most recent Wage Rate Decision of Ute Secretary of the US. Department of Labor: all acts amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto. The Owner reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids and to waive any tomialities in the bidding procedure


Transportation Terminals


Public - County

Outdoor Lighting, Site Work




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545 IN-25, Rochester, IN

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