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Saving Project...

Published April 28, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Dodge Center, Minnesota. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

A Cash Deposit, Certified Check, or Bidder's Bond, payable to the City Center, in the amount of not less than 5% of the amount of the bid must accompany each proposal as a guarantee that the bidder, upon award of the Contract will enter into a Contract with the City of Center and furnish a Performance and Payment Bond along with a Certificate of Insurance if awarded the contract. Both the Performance and Payment Bonds must be written for the full amount of the Contract and will be required with the Contract. The deposit will be subject to forfeiture as provided by law. The deposits from each bidder will be retained by the City of Center until the evaluation process is completed and it has arranged financing for the project, but no longer than sixty five (65) days. The work shall include the following approximate quantities: Remove Bituminous Pavement - 9,609 SY, Common Excavation - 4,357 CY, Aggregate Base Class 5 - 4,951 Ton, Bituminous Wearing and Non-Wearing - 2,611 Ton, Sewer and Water Services - 52 Each, PVC Sanitary Sewer - 2,175 LF, PVC Water Main - 2,961 LF, Hydrants - 6 Each, Construct Sanitary Manholes - 9 Each, RCP Storm Sewer Pipe - 1,581 LF, Construct Drainage Structures - 28 Each, Concrete Sidewalk - 27,407 SF, Concrete Curb & Gutter B624 - 5,474 LF, Sodding Type Lawn - 5,210 SY, Miscellaneous and Appurtenant Construction Items.The City is bidding the project using the Best Value procurement method defined in Minn. Stat. 16C.02, subd. 4(a). A panel of committee members will rank each bidder in four (4) separate categories. There will be a maximum total of 100 points possible for each bidder and the relative weight of the selection criteria are as follows: 1) Price submitted by contractor in the proposal - max. 60 points 2) Contractor's performance on previous three similar projects - max. 15 points 3) Risk assessment and plans of mitigation - max. 15 points 4) Interview- max. 10 points (interviews will be scheduled with each bidder submitting a complete proposal and will be held the week of May 1st, 2023). The bidder with the highest average combined score following the evaluation process will be considered by the City Council of the City of Center after 6:00 PM on the 8th day of May, 2023 for possible contract award. A Cash Deposit, Certified Check, or Bidder's Bond, payable to the City of Center, in the amount of not less than 5% of the amount of the bid must accompany each proposal as a guarantee that the bidder, upon award of the Contract will enter into a Contract with the City of Center and furnish a Performance and Payment Bond along with a Certificate of Insurance if awarded the contract. Both the Performance and Payment Bonds must be written for the full amount of the Contract and will be required with the Contract. The deposit will be subject to forfeiture as provided by law. The deposits from each bidder will be retained by the City of Center until the evaluation process is completed and it has arranged financing for the project, but no longer than sixty five (65) days. The work shall include the following approximate quantities: Remove Bituminous Pavement - 9,609 SY, Common Excavation - 4,357 CY, Aggregate Base Class 5 - 4,951 Ton, Bituminous Wearing and Non-Wearing - 2,611 Ton, Sewer and Water Services - 52 Each, PVC Sanitary Sewer - 2,175 LF, PVC Water Main - 2,961 LF, Hydrants - 6 Each, Construct Sanitary Manholes - 9 Each, RCP Storm Sewer Pipe - 1,581 LF, Construct Drainage Structures - 28 Each, Concrete Sidewalk - 27,407 SF, Concrete Curb & Gutter B624 - 5,474 LF, Sodding Type Lawn - 5,210 SY, Miscellaneous and Appurtenant Construction Items.

Bid Results

Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work





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April 27, 2023

May 22, 2023


Multiple Locations, Dodge Center, MN

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