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Site work for a water / sewer project in Idaho Falls, Idaho. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Interpretations, corrections and changes of the bid will be made by Addendum. Addendums will be posted with the original bid on the City's Webpage by the Procurement Office Question Deadline 04/15/2023 The City of Idaho Falls (CITY) is currently soliciting bids from contractors holding a current right-of-way license for roadway, sidewalk, and curb & gutter repair. The bid shall consist of furnishing all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to satisfactorily install plant mix, curb & gutter, rebar, sidewalk, driveway/approach or related flat work required as described in one or more work orders issued by CITY from time to time during 2023. The work generally involves various quantities assigned at times and locations at the sole discretion of CITY. CITY will remove all plant mix, sidewalk, curb & gutter, and driveway necessary to complete its own work. Following CITY's work, CITY will backfill excavations with base gravel to within 0.10 feet of finished grade of existing plant mix and/or concrete. CITY will then identify removal limits at each site for contractor's work, estimate surface restoration quantities, and issue Contractor a surface repair work order. Contractor will saw cut, remove, and dispose of debris (plant mix, excess base gravel, sidewalk, driveway/approach, and curb & gutter); prep area for paving, including fine grading and compaction of 3/4 " base gravel; adjust valve boxes, curb boxes, and meter pit/manhole rings & lids to final grade, install all concrete sidewalk, driveway/approach, and curb & gutter; place and compact plant mix. Contractor recognizes that some locations may not require replacement of all items. CITY commits to a minimum of 150 locations requiring a form of surface repair in the year 2023. Work will be assigned on a job-by-job basis, and CITY reserves the right to assign more than one Contractor to do such work. The successful Contractor shall be required to undertake the work at the unit prices stated in the low bid in order to be assigned a portion of this work. Contractors will have no contractual right to perform any work pursuant to such quotations, until a written repair work order is issued. Multiple job locations may be included in a written repair work order, however each job will retain its separate identity and all program requirements will be applied separately to each job, notwithstanding inclusion on a single repair work order. A payment bond will not be required for any single job unless the estimated cost of such job exceeds $10,000.00, notwithstanding that the aggregate total of all jobs included in the contract repair work order may exceed such amount. CITY's Water Division will designate all work by issuance of a surface repair work order. The surface repair work order will indicate the location, along with the quantity and type of work required. A web portal app will be made available to the successful Contractor to view and edit an interactive map indicating the location and status of required repairs. Payment shall be as denoted on the following page. Unless otherwise indicated on the repair work order, all such specified work must be completed within a two-week period following the date of issue. Handicapped accessible panels, furnished by CITY's Streets Division, are required in radius installation. The work shall not be deemed complete until the site has been satisfactorily restored and cleaned of all associated forms and debris. At no time shall debris be allowed to accumulate or become a potential hazard that may cause damage to the public or adjoining properties. All barricades, signs or other traffic control devices, pedestrian or vehicular, required for the satisfactory completion of this work shall be the responsibility of Contractor. Exception: CITY will provide traffic control for work on arterial streets which must remain in place until CITY has accepted that work. Upon notification Contractor agrees to complete work in arterial streets within one (1) day and for residential streets within two (2) weeks of notification. Failure to complete work in said time and comply with all the foregoing stipulations may be cause for CITY to cease issuing surface repair work orders to Contractor. All payments due may be withheld until the work in progress has been acceptably completed. If Contractor is unwilling or incapable of completing said work, CITY reserves the right to cancel the surface repair work order and cause the incomplete work to be finished by another Contractor or by other means. No payment will be made for incomplete work under any surface repair work order. Any work for which surface repair work orders have been issued but for which work has not begun may be canceled at any time and Contractor shall return said surface repair work orders to CITY's Water Division. All work shall be performed in accordance to current City of Idaho Falls Standard Drawings and Specifications (2020 ISPWC and City of Idaho Falls ISPWC Supplement). Contractor is required to maintain a complete copy of contract documents on site at all times. Contractor shall provide a warranty for all work in accordance with Division 100, Paragraph 6.19 of such Standard Specifications and City code Section 4-5-8. Time frames for such warranty shall commence and terminate on a job-by-job basis. Final acceptance of the work by CITY is contingent upon compliance with CITY Standards. CITY will make payment according to field-measured quantities and the unit prices of the low bid within thirty (30) days after acceptance of the work. Payments for more than one job may be aggregated and paid with one warrant or check. Concrete mix designs and placement requirements can be found in sections 703 and 705 of the 2020 ISPWC and City of Idaho Falls ISPWC Supplement. Use 4000 psi class for bids.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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April 18, 2023

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Multiple Locations, Idaho Falls, ID

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