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Renovation of a fire / police facility in Coventry, Rhode Island. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a fire / police facility.

The Coventry Fire District is seeking proposals from a Licensed and Insured General Contractor (Performance Bond Required) to perform necessary repairs/ replacement to the front apparatus bay area as outlined in the scope of work at the Fire Station. Sawcut concrete floor in basement to install steel column footings per Davey Associates INC drawings. Remove cut concrete floor from basement. Excavate soils to form and pour column footings per Davey Associates INC drawings. Form and pour concrete footings set column anchor bolts per Davey Associates INC drawings. Temporarily remove electrical conduits from ceiling for beam installation. F&I columns, beams and plates per Davey Associates INC drawings. Replace and finish concrete at basement floor column footings. Sawcut Concrete apparatus floor. Remove and dispose of concrete apparatus floor. Remove and dispose of concrete approach apron. Remove unsuitable soils below slab according to Allstate Drilling report. Excavate front apron pad in front of the three bays and compact soils. Import structural fill below slab in 12" lifts and compact to 95%, and tested. Replacement of existing floor drains to include all necessary piping. Install 15ml vapor barrier below apparatus floor slab. Install #5 rebar reinforcing at 16" oc each way from the center of concrete slab. Place and finish 6" concrete slab on grade at apparatus floor. Install Galvanized edge angle in apparatus slab on grad at apparatus apron. Place and finish 6" concrete slab on grad at apparatus apron Prepare apparatus floor for epoxy coating. Apply epoxy coating to floor in color RED - 3/16 Thickness. Prepare and paint steel installed in basement. Reinstall electrical conduits at bottom of steel beam. Provide Materials testing for the following items Proctor/sleeve analysis for soils to meet RIDOT standards. Compaction testing for each 12" lift placement of structural fill below slab. Concrete Cylinder testing for proper PSI. The District reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, and to waive formalities, procedural requirements and/or minor technical inconsistencies, and to delete any requirements and/or specifications as deemed to be in the District's best interest. Proposals failing to meet all requirements contained in this RFP may be rejected. All questions concerning this RFP must be addressed to the following point of contact: Captain Edward Shannon 571 Washington St Coventry, Rhode Island 02816 Phone: (401) 871-9495 Fax: (401) 826-0832 Email:

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Fire / Police


Public - City


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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571 Washington St, Coventry, RI

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