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Published April 13, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Wayne, Michigan. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Request for Proposals (RFP) - Wayne RESA, in partnership with the Michigan Association of Counties (MAC) CoPro+ Program, is competitively bidding and awarding a Master Agreement to a contractor or contractors for Wayne RESA elevator maintenance. Statewide Cooperative Contract - As a result of this RFP, Wayne RESA will work with the Michigan Association of Counties CoPro+ program to market and extend the resulting contract to other public municipalities, non-profit organizations and schools statewide in having access to contract(s) for Elevator Maintenance Services. This contract will enable public municipalities, non-profit organizations, and schools to "piggyback" and purchase services on an "as needed" basis from the supplier(s). Proposers shall identify any limitations on service areas within their proposal. Vendor Question Due Date: Answers will be posted within 3 business days of this deadline April 21, 2023 Master Agreement Award Date: June, 2023 The Sole Point of Contact During this Solicitation Process is: Steve Motz purchasing@resa.net (517) 648-0442 At the end of the initial term, this Agreement will be evaluated. If the parties agree that it is a mutually beneficial relationship, the Agreement may be extended in writing for up to two (2) additional years in one (1) year increments. WRESA will NOT accept automatic renewals and/or Evergreen clauses proposed by Suppliers. Nor will automatic renewals and/or Evergreen clauses be implied for Supplier organization awarded this Agreement. Proposals that require either may be rejected. WRESA will not consider additional term sheets proposed by suppliers. Price should be held valid for three years. For other entities that piggyback and leverage this contract, pricing for those entities shall be based on the awarded contract pricing but may be adjusted based on the time of the quotation request, condition of the elevators being quoted, other elevator specific service criteria, and geographic location of the requested services. Award of this proposal is contingent upon the approval of funding from Wayne RESA Board of Education. Wayne Resa is working with the Michigan Association of Counties CoPro+ program on this bid solicitation. If your bid meets the minimum qualifications, is responsive and responsible and offers competitive pricing you may be considered and approached to extend a term agreement and pricing to other public entities within the county, the region, and the state, in accordance with Michigan Compiled Laws 124.504. This process is called "piggybacking"; it offers tremendous value to public ordering entities regarding the cost and time to manage an end-to-end purchasing event. This process also offers exceptional value to selected vendors in terms of their company's resources and time to respond to multiple solicitations from various public entities who have a similar need for their products or services.



Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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