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Published June 27, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Winamac, Indiana. Completed plans call for site work for a transportation facility; and for paving for a transportation facility.

Bids to be mailed shall be addressed to the attention of the Winamac-Pulaski County Board of Aviation Commissioners, 2595 North U.S. 35, Winamac, Indiana, 46996, and shall be clearly marked Sealed Bids, DO NOT OPEN. Bids delivered in person may be taken to the same address prior to the bid proposal due date and time. The bid proposal scope of work involves rehabilitation of various hangar taxilane pavements by cold milling 1.5-inches to 2.5-inches of the existing HMA surface asphalt pavement; evaluating the condition ofthe exposed HMA base asphalt pavement for joint and crack repair or pavement replacement (patching) based on a visual inspection and proof-roll; performing any necessary joint and crack repair or pavement patching, placing emulsified asphalt tack coat on the milled surfaces, placing and compacting a uniform 1.5-inches to 2.5-inch course of new HMA surface asphalt; placing any necessary sodding and / or topsoil fill adjacent to the new taxilane pavement if pavement edge drop-offs exceed 3-inches; placing temporary and permanent taxilane pavement markings, and excavating and placing new HMA asphalt pavement over the construction entrance; and mulch seeding any disturbed areas as more specifically set out in the Plans and Specifications. The Owner and Sponsor of the Project is the Winamac-Pulaski County Board of Aviation Commissioners, 2595 North US 35, Winamac, Indiana, 46996. The Project location is Arens Field (KRWN), 3529 North 100 West, 2595 North US 35, Winamac, Indiana, 46996. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mr. Mark Shillington with Woolpert, Inc. by office telephone at 317-223-2452 or by e-mail at mark.shillington@woolpert.com. 3-18-0087-016-2022

Bid Results

Transportation Terminals


Public - County

Paving, Site Work




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2595 US-35, Winamac, IN

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