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Published April 13, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a swimming pool in Weirton, West Virginia. Conceptual plans call for site work for a swimming pool.

Public recreation entity founded by the City of Weirton Charter and operated as an autonomous board under the administration of the City of Weirton and in compliance with the City Charter and West Virginia legislation, standards, policies and charters, hereby gives notice that it is now accepting qualifications for a professional engineering and architectural firm or consultant to complete a Feasibility Study for the Replacement of the Starvaggi Memorial Swimming Pool Vessel located at 144 Starvaggi Drive, Weirton, WV, for The City of Weirton Board of Park & Recreation Commissioners. The goal of this RFQ is to solicit a Statement of Qualifications from planning, engineering and/or architecture firms with expertise in recreation facility development and construction specifically with respect to: 1) Identifying existing and future needs of a public water recreation facility 2) Assessing the existing location, conditions and configuration, uses and equipment 3) Identifying potential new elements of public water recreation, achievable within current funding, confines of space and infrastructure The consultant shall study and draft a report addressing the City of Weirton's current and future water recreation facility needs. The study must include deficiency assessment; site evaluation; and add the phasing of construction and utilization and programing, in addition to developing conceptual site plans, preliminary budgets for hard costs, contingencies, and soft costs, and other areas determined by the consultant that will allow the Park Board to fully understand the City's need for a new public water recreation facility. The City of Weirton Board of Park & Recreation Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all submissions, to waive any informalities or irregularities in any submissions received, and to accept any submission which is deemed most favorable to the City of Weirton Board of Parks.


Swimming Pools


Public - City

Site Work

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May 3, 2024


144 Starvaggi Dr, Weirton, WV

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