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Published April 13, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, paving and renovation of a bridge / tunnel in Flora, Indiana. Completed plans call for the renovation of a bridge / tunnel; for site work for a bridge / tunnel; and for paving for a bridge / tunnel.

For the furnishing and delivering of materials, supplies, equipment, and services for the maintenance, construction and reconstruction of county roads and bridges from April 15, 2023, until April 15, 2024, using Motor Vehicle Highway, Local Road and Street, EDIT, Wheel Tax and Cumulative Bridge Funds. Any bid received after the above-designated time will be returned unopened. All bids shall be made in duplicate copies. All bids shall have bid title and item number clearly marked on the outside face of the envelope with one item per envelope. For example, a single bid may include Item 1A, 1B, 1C and 1D, but not 1A and 5A. Bid must be submitted on Form 95. Each bidder shall accompany his bid with a bidder's bond or certificate check for not less than ten (ten) percent of the total of the bid amount, if the total of materials or supplies equals $100,000.00 or more. For Bituminous Materials and Asphalt Mixes only, bidders shall have the right to increase the contract unit price(s) in the amount equal to the bidder's increase in costs of materials and supplies occurring subsequent to the date on which such bid is submitted (hereinafter referred to as "base date") to the Board of Commissioner's. Any increase or decrease in the bidder's cost of materials and supplies after the base date shall be determined monthly, and shall be verified by proper documents furnished to the Board of Commissioners through the County Highway Engineer and shall include proof of price to the bidder from the bidder's source of supply. Bidder MUST state on his bid if said bid is subject to the escalator clause. Bids submitted without such declaration will be considered as firm for the full year-long period. Bids will be honored with regard to location and according to availability of materials and according to county needs. Detailed specifications for the following items are on file in the offices of the Carroll County Highway Department. 1. State size and/or make and model number, price per hour (with operator where listed and with or without operator where operator is not specifically listed), for the rental of: a. Distributor** b. Rubber-tired roller c. Steel-wheeled roller d. Grader e. Front-end loader f. Road widener** g. Self-propelled chip spreader box** h. Tandem dump truck** i. Single-axle dump truck** j. Asphalt paver k. Sheepsfoot roller ** Bid with operator 2. Bituminous Materials a. Liquid Bituminous Materials for Seal Coating (AE-90) 300,000 gallons, more or less b. Liquid Bituminous Materials for Seal Coating (AE-90s) 300,000 gallons, more or less 3. Liquid Dust Control 40,000 gallons, more or less Liquid Calcium Chloride Solution (38%) furnished and applied at any point in Carroll County as designated by the Carroll County Engineer 4. Asphalt Mixes a. Hot Asphaltic Concrete (Base, Binder or Surface) 4,000 tons, more or less b. Summer or Winter Cold Patching Mix 1,000 tons, more or less . The Board or County Commissioners reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any informality in bidding. If product is not available at certain times, bids shall stipulate same.


Bridges / Tunnels


Public - County

Paving, Renovation, Site Work

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Flora, IN

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