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Published April 24, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition and site work for a residential development in Kingsport, Tennessee. Completed plans call for the demolition of a residential development; and for site work for a residential development.

The City reserves the right to determine the low bidder either on the basis of the individual items or on the basis of all items included in its INVITATION TO BID, unless otherwise expressly provided in the INVITATION TO BID. The City reserves the right to accept any item or group of items of any kind and to modify or cancel in whole or in part, its INVITATION TO BID. The purpose of this document is to acquire the services of an independent contractor to furnish all necessary labor, tools, equipment, and supplies to demolish the structure and perform other related work as identified. 2. The City reserves the right to suspend all work in whole or part if deemed necessary for the best interest of the City of Kingsport. This suspension will be without compensation to the Contractor, other than to adjust the contract completion/delivery requirements. 3. The Contractor shall keep the premises clean of all rubbish and debris generated by the work involved and shall leave the premises neat and clean. All material, rubbish, and debris including concrete footings/slabs shall be removed from the site and disposed of by the contractor at the contractor's expense. Basements shall have the masonry block removed to include footings/slabs and be backfilled with approved material. The work area shall be cleaned at the end of each work day. All materials, tools, equipment, etc. shall be removed or safely stored. The City is not responsible for theft or damage to the Contractor's property. All possible safety hazards to workers or the public shall be corrected immediately and left in a safe condition at the end of each work day. If there is a question in this area, the project manager will be consulted. 4. Work hours shall be coordinated with the project manager. Any changes to the established schedule must have prior approval of the project manager. 5. All sewer, water and gas connections shall be left in accordance with the requirements of the utility involved. Sewer, water and gas connections must be visibly capped at the property line, inspected and subsequently backfilled. no bidder may withdraw his bid within a period of sixty (60) days after the date set for the reply date. Bid Results :: Company name "Bowlin Construction & Demo $4,800.00" was unable to verify. 201 Cedar Street :: Bowlin Construction & Demo $4,800.00 221 Cedar Street :: E. Luke Greene Company :: $1,000.00 114 E Millpond Street :: Sitework Services :: $4,850.00

Bid Results

Residential Subdivision


Public - City

Demolition, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Kingsport, TN

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