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Site work for a civil project in Central Point, Oregon. Completed plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel; and water / sewer project.

A. Summarize the overall project including work in areas both in and outside of waters or wetlands. The project site is a portion of Horn Creek. Within the project site, the creek is in a culvert for approximately 100 ft. There is an overflow (high flow) bypass channel to the west of the culvert. This project will reestablish the creek channel in the bypass channel footprint and abandon the culvert. The culvert will remain in place but be plugged on both ends. The re-established channel will be sized appropriately to function in low and high flow scenarios. B. Describe work within waters and wetlands. The project area has two sections of a water way (one above and one below the culvert). The work will be conducted in the bypass portion of the water way (temporary impacts) to resize the channel. Presently, the stream above and below the project area is incised and restricted by steep slopes. The channel will be widened to allow a riparian bench at the north and south ends of the culvert, as much as the incision and area restriction allows. Additional work (permanent impacts) will occur in the waterways at each end of the culvert to plug the culvert. Please direct all questions to Greg Graves at 541-664-3321 (x225) or greg.graves@ The deadline for questions is May 5, 2023 Project Category Code: Erosion Control/Slope, Bank Stabilization, Traffic Control, Stormwater Improvements, Culverts, Waterways, Stormwater Channels, Grubbing & Clearing, Excavation, Drainage, Dredging, Ditches and Canals Description: This project consists of approximately 210 linear feet of stream restoration work within Horn Creek. 1. Implement temporary traffic control 2. Implement erosion and sediment control measures 3. Clearing and grubbing 4. Abandonment of Existing Culvert 5. Excavation, Grading, and Backfill 6. Install Rip Rap Slope Protection 7. Planting and Seeding 8. Perform additional and incidental work as called for by the Specifications and Plans. Site Directions: Horn Creek, Central Point, Oregon, between Mendolia Way and Donna Way COST ESTIMATE: $100,000 - $150,000

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Bridges / Tunnels


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May 11, 2023

June 15, 2023


Mendolia Way, Central Point, OR

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