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Published June 28, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Herriman, Utah. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

Salt Lake County Contracts and Procurement, on behalf of Salt Lake County Parks and Recreation invites you to bid on the Butterfield Trailhead Regional Park project located at 8300 W. Uone Eleven Hwy Herriman Ut. per the attached specifications. This project is to construct a new trailhead at the mouth of Butterfield Canyon and includes the following work: mass grading of parking lot areas, installation of culverts for two crossings over butterfield creek, construction and installation of perimeter fencing, preparation for two vault toilet restrooms, and other work per plans and specifications Bonding Range $1,500,000.00 - $1,900,000.00 QUESTIONS: Any explanation desired by a Bidder regarding the meaning or interpretation of the Project documents shall be submitted through the Online Solicitation System at Https://solutions.sciquest.com/apps/Router/SupplierLoginCustorg=StateOfUtah prior to the question date and time deadline specified. Answers to the questions will be posted in the Online Solicitation System for public to view. If a question/answer changes the solicitation document, the change will be released in an amendment. Do NOT contact the Architect, Project Manager, Agency, Division, Department, or other County officers or employees for information. A pre-bid conference will be held at date and time specified in the Online Solicitation System. The location will be at the intersection of U-111 (Bacchus Hwy) and Herriman Hwy in Herriman Ut. Attendance is not mandatory, but it shall be the sole responsibility of the bidder to attend this conference. Bidders not attending do so at their own risk. The written questions submitted, along with any other additional information pertaining to the clarification of specifications, will be discussed in detail at this conference. Bidders shall thoroughly familiarize themselves with this solicitation document including specifications prior to attending the conference. Verbal statements or information given at a pre-bid conference is not binding on the bidder or the County unless released in a bid amendment. Upon receipt of a fully executed contract and other required documentation, an official Notice to Proceed (NTP) will be issued. (a) The Contractor will have 250 calendar days to complete the project (b) The Contractor will conduct a punch list walk with the County no later than 90 calendar days prior to the expiration of the Contract Time (c) There will be a $250 charge per calendar day for liquidated damages *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document. The work for this project shall consist of, but not be limited to preparing the site and furnishing all labor materials, and equipment to complete the following improvements with quality workmanship, in a timely manner, and in compliance with project plans and specifications: 1. Review and accept existing site conditions. 2. Obtaining all required permits and approvals for construction work required by the drawings and specifications and coordinating with Salt Lake County for County to pay associated permit fees. Assist contractors and facilitate timely permitting, if required. 3. Protect all adjacent properties and steep slopes from water and erosion damage during construction. 4. Contractor shall provide the survey, engineering, and construction staking needed to complete the project. All surveying and construction staking shall be done under the supervision of a licensed land surveyor. 5. Perform site clearing as required in the construction documents. 6. The contractor shall be responsible for removing and disposing of existing vegetation and other materials that are required to be removed in order to properly execute this contract. All material shall be legally disposed of offsite. 7. Coordinate delivery and installation of owner-provided items as required in the construction documents. 8. Furnish and install asphalt roads as required in the construction documents. 9. Furnish and install the curb & gutter as required in the construction documents. 10. Furnish and install a concrete apron at the drive edge as required in the construction documents. 11. Furnish and install site concrete as required in the construction documents. 12. Furnish and install roto mills parking areas as required in the construction documents. 13. Furnish and install storm drainage swale, erosion control, and drainage basins as required in the construction documents. 14. Furnish and install culverts as required in the construction documents 15. Furnish and install concrete mow curb as required in the construction documents. 16. Furnish and install native seed as required in the construction documents. 17. Furnish and install fencing as required in the construction documents. 18. Furnish and install topsoil as required in the construction documents. 19. Provide the owner with As-Built Drawings as required in the construction documents 20. Maintain and establish seed for a period specified in the construction documents. Follow specified maintenance practices during the establishment period. 21. Provide warranty on all items for one (1) year following the date of Substantial Completion. Question Deadline 05/08/2023 at 5:00 PM MT Project number: 20233609.001A/SLC22R147932 , U22-051 SOLICITATION #PAR98492


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - County

Site Work




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June 9, 2023

June 22, 2023


8300 W Uone Eleven Hwy, Herriman, UT

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