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Published April 17, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a transportation facility in Coalville, Utah. Completed plans call for the renovation of a transportation facility.

High Valley Transit is seeking proposals for the following services: Audiovisual Configuration and Design, Systems Integration, Construction Administration, Procurement of Goods and Services, Equipment Installation, Vendor Management, and Training for the High Valley Transit Campus project. Some specific services are bulleted under Scope of Work. Question Deadline 04/24/2023 The intent of the project is to oversee the selection and implementation of the audio/visual elements of the HVT Maintenance and Administration buildings to meet current and future needs associated with transit dispatch, external system communications, visitor access, public meetings, internal information sharing, daily needs for general business, and a possible Transit Operations Center (for system and emergency coordination). Independent systems for single spaces as well as connected systems between rooms, buildings, and externally to transit facilities will be designed and potentially installed as part of this project. All systems will be state of the art with room to grow and expand as technology changes and assumed to include multiple displays, physical and wireless inputs, video cameras, paging and other systems. Site Visit available upon request April 19, 2023 Services are considered all inclusive and sourced by the primary-consultant. Scope of Services are modeled as generalized systems or assemblies with approximate indications of method, type, descriptions, need, quantities, sizes, shapes, locations, and/or orientations. Actual needs will be determined in coordination with project engineers and architects in accordance with budgets and timelines. Respondents must be in good standing with the State of Utah Division of Purchasing and General Services Design Professional Services requirements. All question must be submitted though Sciquest. The right is reserved by High Valley Transit to reject any or all proposals, to waive any informality or technicality or to accept proposals deemed in the best interest of HVT. Construction on the Administration and Maintenance buildings will begin in spring of 2023. Drawings are provided as part of this package but are not inclusive of what is available. Plans sets and specifications can be provided if requested through Sciquest. Phone calls or in person visits are prohibited except for the express purpose of conducting a site visit if the Respondent believes it necessary for the submittal of their proposal. Contact Jamie Dansie jdansie@highvalleytransit.org or 435-400-0117 to schedule a site visit for a time on April 19. Do not contact any other Department or other HVT officers or employees regarding this proposal. All questions and answers posed will be forwarded to all interested persons or firms through SciQuest. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.


Transportation Terminals


Public - County


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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To Be Determined, Coalville, UT

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