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Published November 16, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Baltimore, Maryland. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

This contract is designated to the Small Business Reserve Program with an overall 20% MBE goal. No subgoals. Baltimore City Community College is seeking prospective bidders to provide structural repair services on the College's gymnasium. Question Deadline 04/27/2023 at 2:00 PM ET ensure that there is enough time to allow for the A/E to provide responses and possible Addendum issuance if necessary. Please email questions to Anna Lansaw alansaw@bccc.edu This project is primarily a Structural and Waterproofing restoration endeavor. The Work generally consists of the following scope. 1. Structural repair of deteriorated exterior concrete roof framing members. 2. Temporary shoring for selective demolition of deteriorated concrete structural members. Temporary shoring work involves earthwork operations, alterations to exterior building cladding, and other work as required to maintain structural stability. The final design of temporary shoring shall be the responsibility of the contractor and his/her retained structural engineer "Construction Engineer". 3. Protection of exterior concrete and metals with waterproofing and other coatings. 4. Alterations and repair to primary roof drainage to below grade stormwater piping. 5. Protection of and restoration of site conditions such as sidewalks, planter boxes, topsoil/grass, etc. 6. Installation of continuous construction barrier around areas of work, subject to Owner and statutory requirements, while maintaining building egress and safe occupancy. 7. Other work as defined in the contract documents and these specifications.


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2901 Liberty Heights Ave, Baltimore, MD

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