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Site work and renovation of a mixed-use development in North Las Vegas, Nevada. Working plans call for the renovation of a medical facility; and for site work for a medical facility.

The Department of Veterans Affairs Southern Nevada Healthcare System (VASNHS) is seeking Architectural/Engineering Firms to submit Standard Form (SF) 330 for Project 593-23-305, Master Planning Work to develop a Comprehensive Facility Master Plan. The project will be located at VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System (VASNHS) 6900 North Pecos Road, North Las Vegas, NV 89086 I. DESCRIPTION OF REQUIREMENT A. The nature of this requirement is to engage an Architect/Engineering (A/E) firm to provide a fully completed and comprehensive Master Plan for the VASNHS. The VASNHS Master Plan is intended to provide a clear, concise, and comprehensive (20) twenty-year master plan for fulfillment of the existing Facility's doctrine and vision for the future using data-driven decisions. The Master Plan will consider existing conditions to deliver a comprehensive master plan reflecting how best to prepare for future projects and expansion. The planning process will include collaborative charrettes for evaluating the existing VASNHS facility, known deficiencies, potential opportunities, and the incorporation of future projects. In addition, the plan will document both the existing utilities and a master planning tool for new utility infrastructure and future expansion. The Master Plan will incorporate landscaping and irrigation for new structures, show building footprints, parking, site lighting and identify vehicular and ADA pedestrian circulation. The plan should seek to synthesize existing planning documents and other research related material into the Master Plan. The A/E shall prepare the plan and can reference requirements of the VA Technical Information Library (TIL), which are VA reference documents specified for design preparation. B. The contract work requires multiple disciplines. The Prime firm shall be a licensed/registered professional firm and the lead designer in each discipline must be registered but neither need to be registered in Nevada. The disciplines required include, but are not limited to: Specialized experience and technical competence required for this specific project, including, where appropriate, experience in providing comprehensive facility master plans for medical facilities to support utilities infrastructure, space planning and future expansions. C. SF 330 Part 1F Example Projects; present all relevant VA projects first. Include in block 21 the contract number for all federal projects. Do not include the CPARS reports for federal projects. D. DELETED E. Estimated Date of Award of the Design Contract: By September 29, 2023 F. Estimated design period of performance: four hundred ninety-five (495) calendar days II. SET-ASIDE This procurement is a total Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) set aside under the Veterans First Contracting program as required by 38 U.S.C. 8127-8128, as implemented under VA Acquisition Regulation (VAAR) subpart 819.70. The term Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) under the Veterans First Contracting program has the same meaning as Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business concern defined in FAR subpart 2.101, except for acquisitions authorized by 38 U.S.C. 8127 and 8128 for the Veterans First Contracting Program. These businesses must be listed as verified in the Veteran Small Business Certification (VetCert) database at in addition to meeting the small business size standard for NAICS 541330 ($22.5M) to be eligible for award under the Veterans First Contracting Program. A. All SDVOSB firms that submit Standard Form (SF) 330s must be listed in Veterans Information Page (VIP) as a verified to be considered for this procurement. Offers from non-verified SDVOSBs are considered deficient and will not be evaluated further. A firm's status will be verified in VIP at time of receipt of the SF 330, prior to conducting evaluations/interviews/discussions, and prior to award. This set aside process is in keeping with VA Procurement Policy Memorandum 2016-05 - Implementation of the Veterans First Contracting Program, FAR Part 19, and the requirements of FAR 36.6 for acquiring Architect-Engineer Services. B. In part 1C of SF 330, indicate in block 11 the socio-economic status of that firm (SDVOSB/VOSB/WOSB, etc) III. SELECTION CRITERIA A. Selection of firms for interviews and negotiations shall be based on an evaluation of the submitted SF 330s on the basis of the selection criteria listed below in a descending order of precedence. SF-330's, Part I may be accompanied by any other evidence of experience and capabilities the applicant considers relevant. Part II shall be submitted for each proposed consultant's office involved. B. Selection Criteria descriptions are provided below. i. Professional Qualifications Necessary for Satisfactory Performance of Required Services: Professional qualifications of the Project Manager(s), Designers of Record, and the proposed team. This will include the record of the proposed team have working together. Note: The lead designer in each discipline must be registered but does not have to be registered in Nevada. ii. Specialized Experience and Technical Competence: Specialized experience and technical competence required for this specific project, including, where appropriate, experience in providing comprehensive facility master plans for medical facilities to support utilities infrastructure, space planning and future expansions. iii. Capacity: This factor evaluates the ability of the firm, given their current projected workload and the availability of their key personnel, to accomplish the possible myriad of design projects in the required time. a. The general workload and staffing capacity of the design office will be evaluated. b. In section H of the SF 330, list the current projects with a design fee of greater than $1,000,000 being designed in the prime firm's office.

Final Planning



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Renovation, Site Work

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September 30, 2023


6900 N Pecos Rd, North Las Vegas, NV

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