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Published July 19, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a parking garage in Huntington Beach, California. Completed plans call for site work for a parking garage.

Parking Attendant Booths The City of Huntington Beach (City) is soliciting proposals from qualified vendors with the necessary experience in providing attendant parking booths including delivery. The Citys goals in offering this provider opportunity are to: Replace aging parking booths with new attendant parking booths at the Main Promenade Parking Structure Have insulation in the booths Have the unit mount directly to a level concrete pad Provide ease of maintenance Proven track record for operating in marine environments The City is looking for two 4 x 8 (maximum height 8) attendant parking booths for the Main Promenade Parking Structure. Deadline for Written Questions April 26, 2023 by 2:00pm The scope of work includes, but is not limited to, providing all the materials, equipment for the replacement of the aging parking booths. Attended Parking Booths that have been identified for inclusion in the project include: Gate 19 and 20 attendant parking booths (Both located along Olive Street). Booths must be weatherproof and have insulation. They must include two easy to open sliding doors with locks that allow attendants to secure the doors while inside the booth. They must also have flooring to prevent outside elements from going inside. Two quad electrical outlets shall be provided and an additional outlet for data i.e. Ethernet cable. The booth must also include a shelf/work station at the front of the booth for placement of a computer and other office materials. The proposer must be able to provide delivery to the parking structure at 200 Main Street in Huntington Beach. The number of parking booths to be purchased is an estimate only and is subject to funding approval by the City Council. The actual number of parking booths to be replaced will be determined by the City. The resulting agreement shall also allow for any future purchase of additional parking booths, required spare parts, accessories, and future available upgrades. Attendant Parking Booths must include: 1) Ability to mount to concrete level pad. 2) Include materials that are acceptable in marine environments such as galvanized steel. 3) Both booths shall be fully weatherproof. 4) Ability to connect to power and provide two quad electrical outlets. 5) One outlet for data connection (Ethernet) 6) Two sliding doors per booth. a. Sliding doors must include a built in sliding window to allow attendants to keep the door closed, while still being able to reach outside through the window. 7) Interior built in lighting. 8) Shelf/work station at the front of the booth. 9) All materials shall be new an unused. Inquiries/Questions regarding this RFQ must be directed via Planetbids.com no later than April 6, 2023@ 4:00 p.m for response.


Parking Garage


Public - City

Site Work

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To Be Determined, Huntington Beach, CA

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Attendant Parking Booths for Main Promenade Parking Structure

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