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Published May 11, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Andover, Minnesota. Completed plans call for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot; for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot; and fire / police facility.

Reconstruction of existing parking lots. Remove or reclaim existing bituminous parking lots. Minor parking stall expansion. Limited curb and gutter removal and replacement. Remove and replace 18" culvert. Trail pedestrian ramp improvements. Pave bituminous parking lots. Pavement markings. Sunshine Park Parking Lot needs to be constructed between July 10 - August 6, 2023. Fire Station #2 Parking Lot needs to be constructed between September 11 - October 27, 2023. Direct questions about this Project, including pre-bid questions, to Jason Law at 763-767-5130 and j.law@andovermn.gov Construction for the Sunshine Park North Parking Lot Reconstruction (C.P. 23-22) shall commence on or after July 10, 2023 and be completed by August 6, 2023 (punch list items have until August 13, 2023). Construction for the Fire Station #2 Parking Lot Reconstruction shall commence on or after September 11, 2023 and be completed by October 27, 2023 (punch list items have until November 4, 2023). A. Install temporary traffic control devices. Sunshine Park Parking Lot will be closed to all traffic from July 10 - August 6, 2023. Fire Station #2 will be closed to public traffic, but fire fighting operations will require access at all times. B. Install temporary erosion control measures. C. Complete removals per plans. D. Storm sewer improvements. E. Remove or Reclaim existing bituminous parking lots. Contractor has the option to remove the existing bituminous pavement OR complete a full depth reclamation of the entire existing bituminous and gravel sections resulting in a homogeneous mixture with no chunks larger than 2". Excess material shall be hauled out, removed and disposed of by the contractor off-site and becomes the property of the contractor. No matter which method contractor chooses for pavement removals, item shall be paid for in full including all items and appurtenances under "Remove Bituminous Pavement (Parking Lot). F. Reconstruct parking lots by fine grading existing gravel, completing curb and gutter replacements, complete minor expansion of parking stalls at Fire Station #2, and pave a new bituminous surface with two lifts at each parking lot as called out in the plans and typical sections. G. Contractor shall backfill curb and gutters being replaced, leaving 4" of depth for placement of topsoil by others. The Andover Public Works department will complete all other restoration work for both projects (topsoil / sod / seed, etc.). Andover Public Works will also handle any irrigation system modifications if necessary for curb and gutter removal / replacement. Contractor shall complete all necessary cleanup work, and any other work incidental to the above. H. Perform all other miscellaneous work shown on the plans and included in the specifications.

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Sidewalks / Parking Lot


Public - City

Paving, Site Work




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May 10, 2023

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Multiple Locations, Andover, MN

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