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Published September 15, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and renovation of a water / sewer project in Mississauga, Ontario. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project; and for the renovation of a water / sewer project.

The Work of this Contract comprises general construction associated with: 1- Mobilization. 2- Staged ICP consolidation for all processes at Clarkson WWTP and GE Booth WWTP. This includes but is not limited to, - Fabrication and installation of new ICPs and CCPs. - ICP and CCP power modifications; - Relocate existing equipment and electrical conduits to suit the installation of new panels; - Network infrastructure modifications (e.g. hardware, cabling, new panels); -Retrofitting racks, backplanes, doors and complete ICPs; - Provide and install new or replacing existing HMIs/OITs; - Replacing old PLCs and rearranging I/O card configurations to meet the latest PAIDs standards; - Provide and install new ICPs to achieve new consolidated architecture; - Re-wiring of I/O within ICPs and on the field; - Re-labeling of I/O to meet the latest PAIDs standards from field device to I/O cards; - Re-tagging of field devices, ICPs and CCPs to meet PAIDs standards. - Modifying, adding or removing existing ICPs for low voltage starter usage; - Provide loop drawings for all ICPs based on the Agency standard design requirements; - Test and verify I/O before work is conducted; - Retain Alfa Laval Canada as a sub-Vendor to engineer, design and commission a ControlLogix Decanter control system replacement for each of the three (3) Centrifuges at Clarkson Biosolids Building and nine (9) centrifuges at GE Booth Biosolids Handling Building. The scope of work includes but it is not limited to: - Remove the proprietary Decanter controller and Anybus communications from the listed Centrifuges. - Produce drawings and electrical schematics for the modifications required to retrofit the current ICPs. - Customize software to adapt to Agency's standards. - Work with Vendor and Agency's SCADA Engineer to coordinate the work between individual ICP and Master Controller for centrifuges in the area to achieve Agency's desired controls architecture. - Retain Waterloo Manufacturing Company Limited as a sub-Vendor to replace controls system for three (3) Boilers at Clarkson WWTP. The scope of work includes, but is not limited to: - Remove existing control system. - Install new controls panels, transmitters and devices including O2 sensors and VFD. - Commissioning of new controls systems. - Work with Vendor and Agency's SCADA Engineer to coordinate communications between Boilers and new Master Control Panel (to be provided by Vendor as part of this scope of work). - TSSA and ESA Inspection Fees. - Provide and install new selector switches for AUMA actuators. Documents can be obtained at: https://peelregion.bidsandtenders.ca Question Deadline: Mon May 22, 2023 12:00:00 PM (EDT)


Water / Sewer


Public - County

Renovation, Site Work





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Multiple Locations, Mississauga, ON

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