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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Moses Lake, Washington. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Moses Lake Irrigation and Rehabilitation District (MLIRD) respectfully requests cost proposals to survey & treat portions of Moses Lake within the District. This effort would inventory aquatic plants by species and coverage and make recommendations for a prioritized treatment plan for species not conducive to recreation or water intake and/or detrimental to water quality. Contractor must have all applicable licenses for professional work of this nature in Washington State. The project would include the following: Survey work: Must be consistent with WA State DOE Aquatic Plant Sampling Protocols; and Requires previous experience identifying aquatic plants in similar waters & climates. Contractor submitted & approved work plan based on survey(s) results. Survey & Application personnel should be familiar with Moses Lake water bathymetry. Treatment work: MLIRD reserves final determination of contractor proposal or recommendations. Contractor should plan an estimated 200 acres, which may include: Diquat; Aquathol; Procellacor; Alum. Proposal should include chemical price per gallon and application cost per acre for each chemical. Selected Contractor will be responsible for the generation of all mailing lists, mailed notices, posted signs & water testing, agency reporting & required notifications within mile radius of work. All chemicals used must be approved for aquatic use in WA State and under federal law. Proof of $3,000,000 insurance required w/RFP, request Packet for more detail. GPS equipment required to plot and track treatments All personnel & equipment supplied by Contractor Deliverables: 20 paper copies of a final report and a digital version in formats to be determined. Report to include: Lake maps based on GPS data showing inventory findings and work performed Recommended prioritized treatment plan for undesirable species discovered in survey(s) Native ArcGIS shape files of treatments recommended and performed Detailed Final Report provided by contractor Evaluation Factors for Proposal: Positive Aquatic Survey & Applicator experience in Washington State: 25 points possible Neat, Comprehensive, Understandable proposal: 25 Points Summaries of other Aquatic Survey work and the results thereof in similar condi tions: 25 points possible References & Examples showing other Aquatic Survey work: 25 points possible Cost: 25 points possible (firm with lowest cost proposal awarded 25 points) MLIRD reserves the right to reject any or all submittals for any reason or no reason, to waive insubstantial or immaterial informalities, and select the RFP that, in the selection teams judgment, best serves the needs of MLIRD and the people we serve. MLIRD may, in its sole discretion, renew this contract/agreement in each of three subsequent years.


Swimming Pools

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Moses Lake, WA

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