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Published June 1, 2023 at 8:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
Site work and paving for a bridge / tunnel in Miami, Florida. Completed plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel; and for paving for a bridge / tunnel.
(Contractor must obtain and submit all permits prior to performing any work). Work under this Contract includes furnishing of all supervision, labor, materials, tools, equipment and performing all operations required to construct the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. Work includes but is not limited to the following: Rehabilitation work at SW 57 Avenue over Snapper Creek Canal Bridge (874251) is to include joint replacement, superstructure repairs, milling and resurfacing, signing, and pavement markings as shown in the Plans, and cleaning of the existing bridge deck drains. The primary tasks to be completed by the Contractor are as follows: 1. Daily placing and removing maintenance of traffic devices when construction is in progress, including, but not limited to channelizing devices, construction/message signs and directional arrows. 2. Remove and replace the existing transverse joints at each bent/abutment and the existing longitudinal bridge joint. Joint replacement work requires sequencing/coordination with the milling and resurfacing of the asphalt overlay on the bridge and approach slabs. The following is an overview of the Plan requirements but should not be considered complete. a. Remove the existing asphalt overlay for the bridge and approach slabs. b. Resurface the bridge and approach slabs to match the existing asphalt overlay thickness. c. Remove new asphalt overlay over top the joints for the limits of the new polymer joint nosing as shown in the Plans. d. Prepare the deck concrete to receive the new polymer joint nosing. e. Install galvanized self-drilling screws and galvanized wire mesh in the area of the polymer joint nosing as shown in the Plans. f. Place polymer joint nosing. g. Prepare the joint to receive the backer rod and poured joint material. h. Install joint backer rod and poured joint material for the bridge riding surface, curbs, and sidewalks as shown in the Plans. 3. Construct new portions of bridge deck and new diaphragms in specified areas indicated in the plans. The following is an overview of the Plan requirements but should not be considered complete. a. Sawcut and remove portions of the existing bridge deck at the locations and limits shown in the Plans taking care not to damage existing deck reinforcing. b. Insert dowels and tie rebar for new deck portion and new diaphragm as shown in the plans. c. Prepare existing concrete surfaces to receive the new concrete material. d. Prepare rebar to receive the new concrete material. e. Form and pour new deck portion and diaphragm. 4. Provide permanent signing and pavement markings as shown in the Plans. 5. Clean the existing bridge deck drains. 6. Review available information and visit the site to assess the issues to be corrected by this project and factors including but not limited to site geometry, equipment access conditions, and location of existing structures and above ground facilities. Any damage is the sole responsibility of the Contractor. A. The location of work to be performed under the terms of this Contract shall be as follows: 1. Bridge No. 874251, at SW 57 Avenue North of the SW 88 Street over Snapper Creek Canal. B. The exact location and limits of construction are as shown on the Plans accompanying these Contract Documents. At the time of Bid and pursuant to the requirements of Section 10-3 of the Code of Miami-Dade County, Florida and these Solicitation and Contract Documents, the Bidder must hold a valid, current, and active: a. At the time of Bid and pursuant to the requirements of Section 10-3 of the Code of Miami-Dade County, Florida and these Solicitation and Contract Documents, the Bidder must hold a valid, current, and active Certificate of Competency as a General Engineering Contractor or as a Specialty Engineering Contractor, commensurate to the requirements of the Project's Scope of Work, in one or more engineering crafts to include Structural Engineering. The Specialty Contractor shall subcontract with a qualified contractor any work which is incidental to the specialty but is specified in the aforementioned Code as being the work of other than that of the Engineering Specialty for which certified; or b. Pursuant to Section 255.20, Florida Statues (F.S.) and in lieu of the above, the County may consider a bid from a Bidder that is a duly licensed Contractor in good standing that has been pre-qualified and considered eligible by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) under Section 337.14, F.S. and Chapter 14-2, Florida Administrative Code, to perform the work described in the Contract Documents. Contractors seeking consideration under this paragraph shall submit along with the Bid Documents for review and consideration, current copy(ies) of their FDOT Certificate(s) of Qualification, Certification of Work Underway, and Status of Contract(s) On Hand. Acceptable FDOT prequalification(s) necessary to perform the work specified in the Project's Scope of Work shall include the Minor, or Major bridge Work Class. All RFI requests should be e-mailed to while copying the Clerk of the Board ( The Department of Transportation and Public Works has made changes with regard to how addendums and requests for information (RFI) will be sent to document holders. Be advised that all Addendums, RFI's, and the document holders list (bidder's list) are now available to view online at the website. EXPERIENCE: 1. The Bidder must demonstrate that it has full-time personnel with the necessary experience to perform the Project's Scope of Work. This experience shall include work in successfully completed projects performed by the identified personnel whose bulk of work performed in the Public Right-of-Way is similar in detail to the Project's Scope of Work described in these Solicitation Documents. Demonstrate the experience requirement by: a. Providing a detailed description of at least three (3) projects similar in detail to the Project's Scope of Work described in these Solicitation Documents and in which the Bidder's identified personnel is currently engaged or has completed within the past five years. List and describe the aforementioned projects and state whether the work was performed for the County, other government clients, or private entities. The description must identify for each project: 1) The identified personnel and their assigned role and responsibilities for the listed project 2) The client name and address including a contact person and phone number for reference 3) Description of work 4) Total dollar value of the contract 5) Contract duration 6) Statement or notation of whether Bidder's referenced personnel is/was employed by the prime contractor or subcontractor, and 7) For completed projects, provide letters of certification of final acceptance or similar project closure documentation issued by the client and available Contractor's performance evaluations. 2. The County reserves the right to request additional information and/or contact listed persons pertaining to bidder's experience. INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: The Contractor shall furnish to Department of Transportation and Public Works, 111 NW 1 Street, Miami Florida 33128, Certificate(s) of Insurance which indicate that insurance coverage has been obtained which meets the requirements as outlined below: A. Workers' Compensation Insurance for all employees of the Contractor as required by Florida Statute 440 including coverage under the U.S. Longshoremen and Harbor Workers' Act (USLH) and/or Jones Act, as applicable for any activities on or about navigable water. B. Commercial General Liability Insurance in an amount not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence, and $2,000,000 in the aggregate, not to exclude coverage for Products and Completed Operations and Explosion Collapse and Underground Hazards. Miami-Dade County must be shown as an additional insured with respect to this coverage. C. Automobile Liability Insurance covering all owned, non-owned and hired vehicles, in an amount not less than $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage. D. Umbrella Liability Insurance in an amount not less than $3,000,000 per occurrence, and $3,000,000 in the aggregate. a. If Excess Liability is provided must be follow form for coverage's B and C.
Bridges / Tunnels
Public - County
Paving, Site Work
Trades Specified
Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum
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