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Published June 26, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Fultonville, New York. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Work for Contract No. 1 - Flow Meter Installation consists of furnishing all materials, equipment and labor necessary for the installation of a trapezoidal flume flow meter, including all associated bypass pumping, flowmeter vault, flowmeterflume installation, gravity sewer pipe, manhole bench modifications, electrical power wiring and conduit, controls wiring and conduit, excavation, backfill, tie ins to existing manholes, abandonment of existing piping, sidewalks, paving, seeding and mulching, and restoration, all as further detailed in the plans and specifications. sealed bids and proposals received pursuant to this notice for the furnishing of work, labor and materials in connection with the Riverside Drive Sanitary Sewer Project. Prime Ae Group of Ny Will Accept Payment in the Form of a Check. Checks Are to Be Made Payable to the Prime Ae Group of Ny. No Cash Payments Will Be Accepted. Each bid must be submitted within a sealed opaque envelope. The name of the bidder and "Town of Glen Riverside Drive Sanitary Sewer Project Contract No. 1 Bid Enclosed" shall be clearly marked on such envelope. The bids shall include all items listed in the "PACKAGE TO BE SUBMITTED WITH BID" which is included with the project manual. If a Bid is sent by mail or other delivery system, both the outside packaging and sealed envelope containing the bid within shall be clearly marked "Town of Glen Riverside Drive Sanitary Sewer Project Contract No. 1 Bid Enclosed" No information will be mailed using U.S. Postal Service or from the bidder's own carrier service. All bidders' information, deposits, fees, and account information must be received by PRIME AE Group of NY prior to acquiring. Accompanying each bid must be a bid bond, certified check or bank check made payable to the order of the Town of Glen in the amount of five (5%) percent of the bidder's maximum bid amount, as a guarantee that if the contract is awarded to a bidder, said successful bidder will comply with the Notice to Bidders and the specification for the contract in accordance herewith. Said bid bond, certified check or bank check will be retained by the Town of Glen, and upon completion of the contract, in accordance with said specifications, the said bid bond, certified check or bank check will be returned to the bidder. On failure to comply with the Notice to Bidders and the specifications for said contract, the successful bidder shall forfeit the deposit to the Town of Glen. Every bid or proposal must contain a noncollusion affidavit executed by the bidder or his authorized representative. Separate Performance and Payment Bonds, each equal to one hundred (100%) percent of the contract sum will be required of the successful bidder. The bidder to whom the contract will be awarded shall attend at the said opening place of the bids, within ten (10) days after the date of Notice of Award with the required sureties, and there sign the contract for the work. Failure to do so will result in Bidder's forfeit of contract work. No bidder may withdraw his bid within ninety (90) days after the date set for the opening thereof. Any bid may be withdrawn prior to the above scheduled time for the opening of bids, or any authorized postponement thereof. The Town of Glen and its representatives will not offer orsupply anyone the list of people that have obtained a copy of these bid specifications or cost estimates for the project prior to the opening of the bids. NO EXCEPTIONS ARE MADE TO THIS POLICY. The Town of Glen reserves the right to waive any informalities in or to reject any or all bids submitted or to award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder who in the Town's judgment makes the most advantageous proposal to the Town of Glen.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work




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58 Riverside Dr, Fultonville, NY

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Town of Glen Riverside Drive Sanitary Sewer Project Contract No. 1 - Flow Meter Installation

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