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Published June 16, 2023 at 8:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
Renovation of an educational facility in Delran, New Jersey. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.
The Project consists of HVAC Replacement at the Gym and Auxiliary Gym and Exhaust Fans Replacement at the Gym of Delran High School, 50 Hartford Road, Delran, New Jersey 08075. The project also consists of HVAC Replacement at the Delran Middle School Gym, 905 Chester Avenue, Delran, New Jersey 08075. The Work consists of, but is not limited to the following: (see the construction documents for details): 1. The Contractors are strongly encouraged to verify all existing condition, dimensions and areas prior to submitting a responsive / responsible bid. Such site visit shall be for familiarizing the Contractor with the conditions as they exist and the character of the operations to be carried on under the Contract Documents, including all existing site conditions, access to the site, physical characteristics of the site and surrounding areas. Site visits can be arranged through the Facilities Manager, Mike DiGiovanni, office phone number (856) 461-1553, cell phone number is (609) 868-0461. 2. Restore all grades, lawns, concrete curbing, sidewalks, asphalt and pavement to pre-construction condition. 3. Contractor shall locate all subsurface wires, cables, pipes and pipeline in the work area prior to construction. See General Conditions Section 2.2.3 for additional information. DELRAN HIGH SCHOOL a. Scope of work consists of removal of four existing air handling systems at the main and auxiliary gymnasiums and installation of four new roof top units serving the two areas. Reinforcement of the existing structure at the new roof top units will be required. New exposed duct work is to be provided within the main gym for air distribution. Additional new duct work is to be provided to supply the adjacent support spaces. Two new unit heaters are to be installed within the main gym and two existing cabinet heaters are to be replaced in the hallways between the main and auxiliary gyms. Limited ceiling demolition/reconstruction is required to complete the proposed work. Refer to drawings for areas to receive new ceilings and lighting. Supplemental work includes removal of 11 roof top exhaust fans located within the main and auxiliary gyms and adjacent support spaces. Support space exhaust fans are to be replaced and one new exhaust fan is to be provided for each the main and auxiliary gyms. Support space radiators are to be replaced or completely removed, refer to mechanical drawings for extent of this work. Relocation of an existing roof drain is required to install one of the roof top units. Roof work is limited to providing insulated caps at existing curbs where fans are to be removed and not replaced and flashing in the new roof top unit curbs. The existing roof membrane is PVC. DELRAN MIDDLE SCHOOL a. Scope of work consists of removal of two existing air handling systems located in the mechanical mezzanine servicing the main gymnasium and installation of two new split system units serving the area. Existing duct work is to be reused for air distribution. Existing duct work will require new insulation resulting in the removal of both lay-in and plaster ceilings. Refer to drawings for areas to receive new ceilings and lighting. Supplemental work includes new ducts for transitioning from the new units to the existing ducts, removal of two gravity vents (infill roof opening), replacement of two gravity vents and the installation of two roof mounted condensers. Two new unit heaters are to be installed in the main gym and two unit heaters are to be replaced in the mechanical mezzanine. Deconstruction/reconstruction of a portion of wall is required to accommodate the removal of old and installation of new mechanical equipment. Schedule of work sequence: 1. No work can be started until all permits are received. The existing school must be completely operational during the school year. This project must be completed on or before August 23, 2024. 2. All construction preparation work, project startup, submittals, schedules, approvals, procurement, coordination and other preparatory tasks must commence immediately upon receipt of the Notice to Proceed or the date of the fully executed Owner/Contractor Contract, whichever comes first. The Awarded Contractor must be fully prepared to deliver and install all materials and equipment on the first day of the scheduled on Site Construction period. 3. The on-site Construction period, during which all work on site is to be performed, is to start June 17, 2023 and extend to August 23, 2024. 4. Any work performed between August 31, 2023 and June 17, 2024 must be performed After 4:00 PM or on weekends / School Holidays. Bids must be accompanied by a certified check, bank cashier's check, treasurer's check or Bid Bond in the form provided in the Contract Documents, with corporate surety satisfactory to the Owner, in an amount of 10% of the Base Bid (but in no case in excess of $20,000.00, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-24), naming as payee or obligee, as applicable, Delran Township Board of Education, to be retained and applied by the undersigned as provided in the Contract Documents in case the successful Bidder defaults in executing the Agreement or furnishing the bonds and insurance certificates as required by the Contract Documents. Prospective Bidders are advised that this Project is one which will be subject to and will be governed by provisions of New Jersey law, including, but not limited to, those regarding (a) Prequalification of Bidders (N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-26 et seq.); (b) Prevailing Wage Rates (N.J.S.A. 3 4:11-56.25 et seq.); (c) Use of Domestic Materials, (N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-20) (d) Ownership Disclosure Certification, (N.J.S.A. 52:2524.2); and (e) Disclosure of investment activities in Iran, Russia, and Belarus (N.J.S.A. 18A: 18A-49.4 et seq. & N.J.S.A. 52:32-55 et seq.). No bid may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after the dates set for the opening thereof. The right is reserved to reject all bids pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-22 or to waive minor informalities or non-material exceptions. Bidders are required to comply with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 10:5-31et seq. andN.J.A.C. 17:27 et seq.
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