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Published July 8, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a civil project in New Castle, Virginia. Completed plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel; road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

Award Details Contract Award Date: Jul 05, 2023 Contract Award Number: 693C73-23-C-000012 Task/Delivery Order Number: Contractor Awarded Unique Entity ID: DQB9RL4PDLM4 Contractor Awarded Name: KING GENERAL CONTRACTORS, INC Contractor Awarded Address: Bristol, VA 24201 USA Base and All Options Value (Total Contract Value): $5,717,098.54 The Related Notice to this Award Notice is 693C73-23-B-000011, George Washington and Jefferson National Forests, Project VA ERFO FS 2018-1(2), 2(1). Schedule A: $1,606,836.47 Schedule B: $1,863,554.48 Schedule B Material Incentives: $4,500.00 Schedule C: $2,242,207.59 Only Schedule A and Schedule C are being awarded at this time. Sealed bids from certified Small Business Concerns only will be accepted for the Pond Lick, Lignite Mines and Tub Run Road Repairs, Project VA ERFO FS 2018-1(2), 2(1), Solicitation Number 693C73-23-B-000011, located within the George Washington and Jefferson National Forests in Botetourt, Craig, and Pulaski Counties, Virginia. The project consists of erosion and sediment control, clearing and grubbing, grading, roadside cleanup (brushing), riprap, road and ditch reconditioning, aggregate surface course, replacement of culverts with pipe, box, and arch culverts, contractor design of box and open bottom arch culverts, and other miscellaneous work. The work includes roadside cleanup (brushing), aggregate surface course, roadway reconditioning, metal pipe and arch culverts, concrete box culverts and metal open bottom arch culverts, mitigation (stormwater management, dry swale (gravel diaphragm)), constructing and maintaining water diversions, and other miscellaneous work. The project will be split into multiple work schedules/contract options, with the cost of the entire project expected to fall within the price range of $5,000,000 to $10,000,000. Bid documents should be issued on or about May 9, 2023. Bid due date and location will be specified on the SF 1442, Block 13a of the Solicitation. Use Internet address www.sam.gov (click on Contract Opportunities, then type "693C73" in the Search Contract Opportunities box and click the search button and all available projects will be listed) to check for the availability of advertisement documents. All documents can be directly downloaded from this website. Solicitation documents will no longer be mailed. Register to receive email notifications to be automatically notified when a document is added or updated for a specific project. If firms do not register as an interested vendor at this website, there will be no Interested Vendors List. Annual Representations and Certifications FAR 52.204-8 (MAR 2023). The Representations and Certifications must be completed online at www.sam.gov. The required annual Form VETS-4212 must also be completed online at http://www.dol.gov/vets/vets4212.htm per FAR 52.222-37. Please send all questions concerning construction projects to eflhd.contracts@dot.gov. Include the solicitation number, project name and number, requesting firm and address, a point of contact and telephone number. Requests for 'faxing' or overnight mailing will not be accepted. IMPORTANT PAYMENT REQUIREMENT In accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Subpart part 4.1102, prospective contractors shall be registered in the System for Award Management (SAM) database at the time an offer is submitted. Also, FAR clause 52.232-33 requires SAM registration for payment. SAM registration is available online at the following Internet web address: www.sam.gov. PLEASE NOTE For security reasons, individuals requiring access to all government buildings must present a valid photo ID and be escorted to their destination by a Government employee. All visitors attending bid openings are urged to arrive at least 1 hour prior to a scheduled bid opening. All visitors must sign in at the main entrance of the Quantum Park facility and wait to be escorted by a Government employee to Eastern Federal Lands Highway Division (EFLHD) in Suite 200. Visitors must then register with the EFLHD Receptionist. A Government employee will collect all bids. Prior to the bid opening, a Government employee will escort all bidders to the bid opening. Unescorted visitors will be denied entry and no exceptions will be made. Bidders are encouraged to submit bids electronically per the instructions provided in the solicitation.


Roads / Highways


Public - Federal

Paving, Site Work





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Multiple Locations, New Castle, VA

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