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Published May 20, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a civil project in Valley City, North Dakota. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; and water / sewer project.

Contract Bond, 1.0 L Sum; Clearing & Grubbing, 1.0 L Sum; Removal of Trees 10IN, 1 EA; Removal of Trees 18IN, 5 EA; Removal of Trees 30IN, 4 EA; Removal of Concrete Pavement, 3430 SY; Removal of Curb & Gutter, 7471 LF; Removal of Bituminous Surfacing, 13,266 SY; Removal of Pipe All Types and Sizes, 2,991 LF; Removal of Inlets, 4 EA; Remove Retaining Wall, 41 LF; Topsoil, 1,345 CY; Common Excavation-Waste, 4,672 CY; Topsoil-Imported, 100 CY; Common Excavation-Subcut, 267 CY; Water, 200 M GAL; Seeding Class III, 1.56 Acre; Hydraulic Mulch, 3.12 Acre; Fiber Rolls 6IN, 100 LF; Remove Fiber Rolls, 6IN, 100 LF; Salvaged Base Course, 4,413 CY; Superpave FAA 43, 3,414 Ton; PG 58S-28 Asphalt Cement, 222 Ton; Mobilization, 1.0 L Sum; Flagging, 60 MHR; Traffic Control Signs, 681 Unit; Type III Barricade, 53 EA; Sidewalk Barricade, 13 EA; Delineator Drums, 20 EA; Inlet Protection-Special, 32 EA; Remove Inlet Protection-Special, 32 EA; Geosynthetic Material Type G, 740 SY; Geosynthetic Material Type R1, 16,708 SY; Pipe Conc Reinf 15IN CL III-Storm Drain, 172 LF; Pipe Conc Reinf 18IN CL III-Storm Drain, 653 LF; Pipe Conc Reinf 24IN CL III-Storm Drain, 606 LF; Pipe Conc Reinf 30IN CL III-Storm Drain, 656 LF; Pipe Conc Reinf 36IN CL III-Storm Drain, 362 LF; Sanitary Sewer Service Connection, 54 EA; Manhole 48IN, 1 EA; Manhole 60IN, 1 EA; Manhole 72IN, 6 EA; Manhole 84IN, 5 EA; Manhole Sanitary, 1 EA; Manhole Riser 48IN, 3.5 LF; Manhole Riser 60IN, 8.6 LF; Manhole Riser 72IN, 22.2 LF; Manhole Riser 84IN, 24.2 LF; Abandon Sanitary Sewer Wye, 4 EA; Inlet-Type 2, 13 EA; Inlet-Type 2 Double, 11 EA; Inlet Special-Type 2 60IN, 1 EA Inlet Special-Type 1 84IN, 1 EA; Adjust Gate Valve Box, 5 EA; Adjust Manhole, 15 EA; Adjust Sprinkler System, 1.0 L Sum; Fittings-Ductile Iron, 1,028 LBS; Remove Gate Valve & Box, 9 EA; Gate Valve & Box 6IN, 8 EA; Gate Valve & Box 8IN, 11 EA; Relocate Gate Valve & Box, 1 EA; Hydrant-Install 6IN, 7 EA; Hydrant-Relocate, 1 EA; Remove Hydrant, 6 EA; Sleeve 4IN, 2 EA; Sleeve 8IN, 4 EA; Water Service Line 1IN, 1,539 LF; Watermain 4IN PVC, 8 LF; Watermain 6IN PVC, 393 LF; Watermain 8IN PVC, 2,711 LF; Curb Stop & Box 1IN, 49 EA; Water Service Connection 1IN, 49 EA; 8IN Sanitary Sewer Pipe, 323 LF; 6IN Sewer Service Pipe, 1,683 LF; Sanitary Sewer Cleanout, 1 EA; Insulation Board, 727 CF; Curb & Gutter-Type 1, 7,291 LF; Valley Guter 72IN, 38 SY; Sidewalk Concrete, 1,475 SY; Driveway Concrete 6IN Reinforced, 1,870 SY; Detectable Warning Panels, 276 SF; Flat Sheet for Signs-Type XI Refl Sheeting, 24.1 SF; Flat Sheet for Signs-Type IV Refl Sheeting, 45.6 SF; Steel Galv Posts-Telescoping Perforated Tube, 120.2 LF; Reset Sign Panel, 9 EA; Reset Sign Support, 3 EA; PVMT MK Painted 6IN Line, 754 LF; PVMT MK Painted 24IN Line, 48 LF; Mailbox-All Types, 29 EA; Mailbox-Temporary, 24 EA; Modify Manhole, 2 EA; Modify Manhole-Storm, 1 EA; Inlet Structure, 1 EA; Northern Acclaim Honeylocust, 3 EA; Royalty Crabapple, 3 EA; Bur Oak, 2 EA; American Linden, 2 EA.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Paving, Site Work




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May 9, 2023

July 10, 2023


Multiple Locations, Valley City, ND

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