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Published June 16, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Remodeling of a library in Plainfield, Indiana. Completed plans call for the remodel of a library.

Plainfield-Guilford Township Public Library in Plainfield, Indiana is requesting sealed bids from interested firms for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment and transportation necessary for the interior remodel of the Plainfield-Guilford Township Public Library. All work shall be in accordance with plans, specifications, and intent prepared by krM Architecture+, 1020 Jackson Street, Anderson, Indiana 46016 T: (765) 649-8477. A one hundred percent (100%) labor and materials performance bond will be required of the successful bidder. A five percent (5%) bid security in the form of an acceptable bid bond or certified check shall be submitted with all bids. Bonds shall be payable to the Plainfield-Guilford Township Public Library. Each bidder will be required to comply with all applicable equal employment opportunity laws and regulations of the United States of America and the State of Indiana. Any contract to be entered into shall contain provisions of non- discrimination by contractor in the hiring and employment as set forth and the equal employment opportunity provisions as required by the regulations of The United States of America and The State of Indiana. All bids shall be executed on the Indiana form 96 bid form which is included in the specification manual.Additional bidding requirements are contained in the Project Manual. The project includes remodeling the existing building. Work includes new wall configurations, updated finishes and coordinating MEP infrastructure, remodeled restrooms, and other work as indicated on the drawings. The project will be broken into (2) two phases (Mechanical installation and Interior remodel of 1st floor) 1. HVAC Installation: knowing that the long supply chain and delivery dates, this work is expected to NOT time out to be in alignment with the interior remodel. The library will close entire facility for times when an overhead crane is needed for roof access. During the installation of the air handler, the library will work with the contractor to CLOSE the ADULAT STACK area of the library for the length of the installation if it does not exceed (4) consecutive weeks to avoid having to include cost to provide temporary fresh air. 2. Interior Renovation - It is the owner's intent to have the majority of this work NOT interfere with the service to the public, with the library being open to public the maximum amount of time. Their busiest time is June through mid August for student summer reading. The library also understands that carpet replacement will need to be coordinated with the Library's Stack mover contractor. That being said - the contractor has the choice to submit the following for scheduling: o Coordinate most of the interior work to happen within a (2) week max close time of the library - This would happen only after mid August 2023. o Coordinate work for approval to begin as soon as possible, keeping in mind the key months of the summer - access to the Children's area needs to be maintained. Areas that are less effected by public are the LCS and Indiana Room.




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1120 Stafford Rd, Plainfield, IN

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