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Published April 28, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a civil project in Bad Axe, Michigan. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Huron ISD Tech Center -Septic Field Replacement Location- 1299 S. Thomas Rd. Bad Axe, MI 48413 All questions regarding the plans and specifications are to be emailed to Chip Hendrick (chip@rchendrick.com). 1. The contractor is responsible to remove the existing septic field and do the necessary repairs. 2. Provide barricading as necessary to keep site inaccessible to others during construction. 3. Protect all open excavations per MIOSHA requirements. 4. Furnish, install and maintain all soil erosion measures for the duration of the project. Contractor shall pay for Soil Erosion Permit. This contractor to fill out all paperwork on Owner's behalf. Provide a storm water operator to review soil erosion measures as required. SESC book shall be kept on site and filled out weekly and/or after each event as required by the soil erosion permit. 5. Keep site graded and accessible to contractors. 6. All demolition debris is to be hauled off site and disposed of properly. Existing P-lot to be milled and re-used for base as described in plans and specs. 7. Include all site demolition, concrete removal, saw cutting, asphalt removal, asphalt milling, trees, shrubs, etc. as indicated or required for new Sitework. 8. Install utilities as shown or called for. 9. Provide and install soil stabilization if shown or called for. 10. Provide all excavation, shoring, grading, compaction, backfill, berms and off-site fill to final subgrade elevations as shown or specified, including backfill required. This to include rough and final grading to +/- .10 foot below bottom of finish paving. 11. Provide all dewatering (ground and rain water) as necessary to perform the work within this package. 12. Obtain and pay for all required permits, bonds, etc. as necessary to perform the work within this bid category. Milestone Schedule: Starts ASAP and complete by July 15, 2023.


Water / Sewer


Public - County

Site Work




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1299 S Thomas Rd, Bad Axe, MI

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