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Site work and paving for a road / highway in Burlington, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

The work under this contract will include all equipment, labor, material, supplies, etc. necessary to furnish the work described in this contract. It will include pavement milling to an approximate depth of 1.5, asphalt berm, concrete sidewalk, granite curb removal and installation, asphalt paving, restoration, and all associated work. As well as the full depth reclamation, finish grading, complete paving, and all associated work. Quantities and street locations are estimated and not guaranteed. Thermoplastic Pavement Markings: Thermoplastic Pavement Markings will be installed on the following Coldplane Streets. Bedford Street. Burlington Mall Road. Beacon Street. Temporary pavement marking tape will be placed on all lanes immediately after cold plane operations and prior to finish paving. All temporary pavement markings will be incidental to this project Reclaim Streets: The contractor will grade reclaim streets according to plans or at the direction of the Engineer. If no plans are provided the Contractor shall meet elevations at the existing driveway where the driveway meets the gutter line and maintain a crown at the centerline of road with a cross slope of 2% Sunnyside Avenue: A portion of Sunnyside Avenue will require unclassified material excavation, clearing-grubbing, application of a gravel base and fine grading and compaction of subgrade according to plans that will be provided to the Contractor. Additional Work Work under this contract will also include additional work payable from this contracts pay items and separate from the coldplane and reclaim streets listed below: Burlington Mall Road: Work on the Burlington Mall Road, as directed by the Engineer, shall include the removal of existing concrete sidewalk and the installation of approximately 1,054 lf of new concrete sidewalk and 1,284 lf of new granite curb. This work area is located in the vicinity of the Burlington Mall Road Cold plane work. #8 Corcoran Road: The Contractor shall raise and adjust existing driveway apron. #21 Upland Road: The Contractor shall install approximately 100 of bituminous curb from Upland Road along Moss Street and raise and adjust existing driveway apron on Moss Street. Install Cape Cod berm on pad from Upland Rd to approx. end of property on Moss Street. Loam & seed behind berm, grade into existing lawn. Raise & adjust driveway apron. Approx. 3-4 high by 4-5 wide. Provide 2 CY loam to the homeowner for his use. (See sketch located at appendix B)


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work




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Multiple Locations, Burlington, MA

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