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Site work for a water / sewer project in McCall, Idaho. Working plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Site Visit Payette NF- BIG CREEK IRRIGATION AND POTABLE WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS Project Summary: This project includes reconstruction the existing irrigation and potable water systems at the Big Creek Airstrip and Administrative Site. The work includes: Constructing an automated irrigation system for the South End of the airstrip. Constructing buried HDPE waterline and electrical lines, sprinkler rotors, controllers, solar-electrical systems, in-stream flow measuring device, in-stream intake structure, in-line filter, and pipe stream crossings. Optional work that may be awarded includes all work described above associated with: Option #1: Constructing an automated irrigation system for the North End of the airstrip. Constructing manual irrigation systems for the administrative site and the horse pasture. Constructing a potable water system for the administrative site, horse pasture and campground. Constructing buried HDPE potable waterline, buried water storage tank, valves, utility boxes and pipe stream crossings. This site visit in no way commits the Government to award a contract. The Government does not intend to award a contract(s) based solely on this site visit nor does it intend to pay for any costs incurred in response to this announcement. The intent of this notice is to ensure that prospective vendors may see the project areas prior to bidding. We anticipate issuing the solicitation package January 2024. The work anticipated under any contract resulting from the solicitation will be started as soon as conditions on-the-ground are favorable for the prosecution of the work next spring (estimate June starting date). Site Visit Information: A site visit of the project will meet at the Big Creek Work Area at 1100am Mountain Time on Friday, October 20, 2023. Please inform the COR if you plan to attend by calling Samuel Thompson at 208-634-0715 or sending an email to , by noon of the day before the site visit. THE PROJECT IS LOCATED ON THE KRASSEL RANGER DISTRICT OF THE PAYETTE NATIONAL FOREST. IT IS LOCATED IN VALLEY COUNTY, IDAHO, APPROXIMATELY 15 MILES NORTH AND 37.5 MILES EAST OF MCCALL, IDAHO (APPROXIMATELY 85 MILES BY ROAD FROM MCCALL) AT AN ELEVATION OF APPROXIMATELY 6785 FEET. IT IS LOCATED IN T.21N., R.9E., SW 1/4 OF SECTION 26 (45.129350, -115.324126). DRIVING DIRECTIONS: FROM HIGHWAY 55 IN MCCALL, IDAHO, TURN EAST ON RAILROAD AVENUE (ROAD BECOMES PINE ST AND THEN LENORA ST.). TURN LEFT/NORTH ONTO DAVIS AVENUE. TURN RIGHT/EAST ONTO FOREST ROAD 48 (LICK CREEK ROAD). TURN RIGHT ONTO EAST FORK ROAD. AT YELLOW PINE, TAKE FOREST ROAD 412 TO BIG CREEK ROAD. THE SITE IS LOCATED JUST NORTH OF THE TOWN OF EDWARDSBURG. The function of the Forest Service site visit is to show the on-the-ground location of the work areas, boundaries and other in-place markers, and the routes of travel that may be utilized in going to and from the work areas.

Final Planning

Water / Sewer


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December 12, 2023


Multiple Locations, McCall, ID

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