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Published November 26, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of an educational facility in Charlottesville, Virginia. Completed plans call for the construction of a 72,500-square-foot, three-story above grade educational facility; and for site work for a educational facility.

https://albemarle.legistar.com/View.ashxM=A&ID=1161779&GUID=12FE8DBE-B8EF-4FC0-9C23-0E7DE00D5B55 Easement County Owned Parcel 09100-00-00-002E0. To consider conveying temporary construction, private sanitary sewer, and drainage easements across County-owned Parcel 09100-00-00-002E0, located at 1515 Founders Place, to the Albemarle County School Board. The proposed easements are to support a proposed new elementary school on the adjacent Parcel 09100-00-00-01100, located at 133 Galaxie Farm Lane. In addition to the easements, additional right-of-way is being proposed dedication for Founders Place widening and sidewalk construction. ----------------------------------------------------- The project is generally described as site development and construction of a new three-story, steelframed school of approximately 72,500 GSF. The middle level of this three-story school is at-grade at the main entrance. The building will utilize elevated composite slabs and concrete slabs on grade, brick veneer on cold-formed metal framing, aluminum storefront and curtainwall glazing systems and lowslope, single-ply membrane roofing. Interiors generally consist of standard and abuse-resistant gypsum on light gauge metal framing, resilient and tile flooring and suspended acoustical tile and specialty ceilings. MEP systems design generally consists of closed-loop geothermal wells with water-to-water thermal transfer, fan-coil units and heat pumps. The school is designed to be "solar-ready" and will include a full school capacity standby emergency power generator. Site improvements include a partial road and utility extensions, clearing and grading, the geothermal wellfield, paved parking lot, service drive, bus loop and sidewalks, natural grass athletic field and play equipment on various play surfaces. Additive Bid items will provide additional work, including additional classrooms, should funding be available. The estimated construction cost range for this project is $35 - $40 million. A Bid Bond is required.Bid Bond payable to the Owner as obligee in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid. Standard Performance Bond and a Standard Labor and Material Payment Bond each fully executed by the Contractor and one or more surety companies legally licensed to do business in Virginia and each in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the accepted bid. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.




Public - County

New Construction, Site Work





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1545 Founders Pl, Charlottesville, VA

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