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Published August 22, 2023 at 8:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
Site work for a transportation facility in Topeka, Kansas. Completed plans call for site work for a transportation facility.
Snow Removal Equipment (SRE) Building We are currently soliciting bids for the construction of a Snow Removal Equipment (SRE) storage building at Topeka Regional Airport, Topeka, Kansas, AIP Project No. 3-20-0113-048.. The anticipated date that project work may commence on or about July 15, 2023.The owner has established a contract time of 240 Calendar Days. All project work shall be substantially completed within the stated timeframe. This project is subject to liquidated damages as prescribed within the project manual. Each proposal must be accompanied by a bid guarantee in the amount of five (5) percent of the total amount of the bid. The bid guarantee may be by certified check or bid bond made payable to Metropolitan Topeka Airport Authority.The successful bidder will be required to furnish separate performance and payment bonds each in the amount equal to 100% of the contract price at the time of contract execution. All proposals submitted in accordance with the instructions presented herein will be subject to evaluation. Bids may be held by the Metropolitan Topeka Airport Authority for a period not to exceed ninety (90) days from the date of the bid opening for the purpose of evaluating bids prior to award of contract. Award of contract will be based on the lowest aggregate sum proposal submitted from those bidders that are confirmed as being responsive and responsible. The right is reserved, as the Metropolitan Topeka Airport Authority may require, to reject any and all bids and to waive any informality in the bids received. Prospective Bidders are hereby advised that award of contract is contingent upon the owner receiving Federal funding assistance under the Airport Improvement Program. PROJECT SCHEDULE AND LIQUIDATED DAMAGES. The CONTRACTOR agrees to commence and to have the project substantially completed on the FOE SRE Facility project within 300 Calendar Days after the Notice-to -Proceed. The bidder acknowledges and accepts that for each and every Calendar Day the project remains incomplete beyond the contract time of performance, the substantial completion date, or not open to traffic as stipulated in the preceding paragraphs of this section, the CONTRACTOR shall pay the nonpenal amount of $5,000.00 per calendar day as a liquidated damage to the OWNER. FEDERAL PROVISIONS. This project is subject to the following partial listing of Federal provisions, statutes and regulations: Equal Employment Opportunity - Executive Order 11246 and 41 CFR Part 60: The Bidder's attention is called to the "Equal Opportunity Clause" and the "Standard Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Construction Contract Specifications" set forth within the supplementary provisions. The successful Bidder shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. The Contractor will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Goals for minority participation for each trade: 9.0% Goals for female participation in each trade: 6.9%
Bid Results
Transportation Terminals
Public - City
Site Work
Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.
Trades Specified
Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum
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