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Published August 29, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a power facility in Farmington, New Mexico. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a power facility.

The City of Farmington is requesting proposals from qualified contractors to complete the scope of work outlined in this solicitation which includes furnishing all labor, equipment, and materials for the City of Farmington Bluffview Expansion Project. Questions and/or clarifications concerning this solicitation can be entered into the Questions tab in the online bidding system until 2 PM on May 30, 2023. Responses to questions will be released for all Bidders/Offerors to view in the online bidding system. General Description This section covers the project description, scope of the work, and supplementary requirements for the engineering, procurement, construction, and commissioning of the Bluffview Expansion Project (Bluffview). 01100.1.1 Project Description Bluffview is located in Farmington, NM (San Juan County). The Facility is a nominal 18 MW reciprocating internal combustion engine (RICE) gas-fired power plant and will be constructed on the current Bluffview Power Plant site. In this specification "Facility" refers to the new equipment being added to the existing power plant as part of this project (the terms "Facility" and "Plant" shall be considered equivalent). 01100.1.1.1 Major Facility Features. The below paragraphs contain general descriptions of the major features of the proposed RICE gas-fired power plant Facility. This information is not intended to be a complete, exhaustive listing, but is provided for convenience to the EPC Contractor in developing an understanding of the overall scope of the project work. The design criteria and system definitions contained in this document provide more detailed requirements of these major facility features as well as other balance-of-plant work scope not discussed in this section. The overall scope of work for the project is outlined in Section 01100.1.2 Scope of Work. Equipment to be provided by the Owner is defined in Section 01100.1.2.1 Assigned Equipment. The Site Arrangement drawing referenced in Section 01200 Proposal Drawings and Documents shows the overall conceptual arrangement of the project site including preliminary locations of major structures at the facility. The final location of the stacks shall not be changed unless approved by the Owner. The EPC Contractor may alter the location of the other facility structures to provide an optimized arrangement. The Facility shall consist of two (2) RICE units and associated balance-of-plant equipment (the terms "RICE," "Unit," and "RICE Unit" shall be considered equivalent). The RICE units will be located indoors with a bridge crane(s) with sufficient capacity for maintenance activities. The fuel will be pipeline quality natural gas. The net electrical output of the Facility shall be a nominal 18 MW at the ambient conditions defined in Section 01610 - Plant Performance Guarantees and Tests. The RICE's shall be located indoors with enclosures or building fitted with permanently installed bridge crane(s) with sufficient capacity for maintenance activities. The Facility shall be capable of operating 24 hours per day at full load capacity for an extended period of time yet flexible enough to allow for multiple engine-starts each day. An SCR system shall be included with each RICE to reduce the NOx level. The SCR shall utilize 19% aqueous ammonia as the reagent. A complete aqueous ammonia handling system, including bulk delivery provisions and ammonia storage shall be furnished. Operating mode and basic control philosophy are listed below: The Facility shall be designed to operate in daily cycling mode (start/stop daily). The Facility shall be designed to run continuously at Base Load. The facility shall be capable of running continuously at Maximum Load over the entire range of ambient conditions. The Facility shall be capable of running in a stable and controllable manner over the entire operating range of the RICE units from minimum load, but not less than the Minimum Emissions Compliance Load (MECL) up to Maximum Load

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Power Plant


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Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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755 W Murray Dr, Farmington, NM

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