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Saving Project...

Published June 14, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Astoria, Oregon. Completed plans call civil work for a road / highway.

D Clatsop County Public Works intends to contract for approximately 1.4 miles of overlay on Youngs River road and approximately twelve cutouts to be repaved. Paving also includes approximately 800 of paving on Logan and Lewis & Clark Roads Questions regarding Bid Documents should be directed to: Terry Hendryx or Dean Keranen at Clatsop County Public Works, 1100 Olney Avenue, Astoria, Oregon 97103, Phone: 503-325-8631 Fax: 503-325-9312. Email addresses are dkeranen@clatsopcounty.gov and thendryx@clatsopcounty.gov. Scope of Work The work to be completed under this contract consists of the following: 1. All traffic control and protection and direction of traffic necessary for safety of motorists as required by the Oregon Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 2. Provide all equipment, material and labor to pave the roadway as specified in the Special Provisions. 3. YOUNGS RIVER ROAD a. Pave approximately 800 feet with ODOT Level 2 - 1/2 " ACP to a depth of 4-6", in 8 cut-outs as directed between approx. Milepost 2 to 10.2, as depicted on pages 44-45. b. Cold plane for a tapered 2" butt joint at the point of beginning near Milepost 8.5. Overlay from Milepost 8.5 to 9.9 with ODOT Level 2 - 1/2 " ACP to a depth of 2" c. Pave 12 driveway approaches to match the new roadway asphalt elevation. Pave existing aggregate approaches as directed. Average paving length of existing aggregate approaches is 10'; width as directed. d. Approximate AC quantity equals 2,850 tons. e. Paving schedule shall be coordinated with the County. 4. LOGAN ROAD a. Pave approximately 360 feet with ODOT Level 2 - 1/2 " ACP to a depth of 4-6" in 4 cut-outs, between Milepost 0.2 and 0.6, as depicted on Page 46. b. Approximate AC quantity equals 135 tons. c. Paving schedule shall be coordinated with the County. 5. LEWIS & CLARK INTERSECTIONS (FORT CLATSOP & LOGAN) a. Pave approximately 200 feet with ODOT Level 2 - 1/2 " ACP to a depth of 6", at the intersection of Fort Clatsop/Lewis & Clark Road. b. Pave approximately 300 feet with ODOT Level 2 - 1/2 " ACP to a depth of 6", at the intersection of Lewis & Clark/Logan Road. c. Approximate AC quantity equals 600 tons. d. Paving schedule shall be coordinated with the County.


Roads / Highways


Public - County

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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