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Saving Project...

Published May 30, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Wilsonville, Oregon. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

To be eligible for award under this Invitation to Bid, bidders (prime contractors) must submit a prequalification application (either ODOT or County) to the County at least two business days prior to the Bid Closing. County will reject bids from bidders who are not requalified for the class of work indicated prior to the Bid Closing. Bidders must be prequalified in Asphalt Concrete Paving & Oiling (ACP), and Temporary Traffic Control (TTC) Procurement Process and Technical Questions: Tralee Whitley at TWhitley@clackamas.us The work contemplated under this contract with the Owner, includes all labor, materials, transportation, equipment and services necessary for, and reasonably incidental to, the completion of all construction work in connection with the project described in the Project Manual which includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the Notice of Public Improvement Contract Opportunity, Instructions to Bidders, Supplemental Instructions to Bidders, Bid Form, Bid Bond, Public Improvement Contract Form, Performance Bond, Payment Bond, and Plans, Specifications and Drawings. Project Background: The Wilsonville Package is a Chip Seal Project. This contract will resurface 7.9 miles of roads in the Wilsonville area. This contract will resurface a portion of Baker Road between the County line and Morgan Road. This portion of Baker Road is classified as a rural local. This contract will also resurface a portion of Baker Road between Morgan Road and Bell Road. This portion of Baker Road is classified as a rural minor arterial. This contract will also resurface a portion of Morgan Road between Baker Road and Tonquin Road. This portion of Morgan Road is classified as a rural local. This contract will also resurface a portion of Tooze Road between McConnell Road and Westfall Road. This portion of Tooze Road is classified as a rural local. This contract will also resurface a portion of 145th Avenue between Westfall Road and Tooze Road. This portion of 145th Avenue is classified as a rural local. This contract will also resurface a portion of Westfall Road between Baker Road and 145th Avenue. This portion of Westfall Road is classified as a rural local. This contract will also resurface a portion of Malloy Way between Tooze Road and Grahams Ferry Road. This portion of Malloy Way is classified as a rural local. This contract will include, but not be limited to: placing approximately 102,539 square yards of Chip Seal with County furnished aggregate in the Wilsonville area; removing existing striping, maintaining, and removing temporary work zone traffic control measures; and performing additional incidental work as called for by the specifications and plans. Engineers Estimate: $507,106.00


Roads / Highways


Public - County

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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Multiple Locations, Wilsonville, OR

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